3055-Basic Hostage and Crisis Negotiations - 12/16/2024 Edneyville

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Brief Description
3055-Basic Hostage and Crisis Negotiations
Full Description
Who Should Attend:
Officers assigned or selected to join a crisis negotiations team, or who may otherwise be put in a crisis negotiator role, or officers wishing to learn more about the fundamentals of hostage/crisis negotiations.

Course Goal:
The Basic Hostage and Crisis Negotiations course is designed in a forty (40) hour format to prepare a law enforcement professional to act as a hostage/crisis negotiator or team member on a hostage/crisis negotiations team.  The course is based on fundamentals developed by the FBI and guidelines from the National Council of Negotiation Associations (NCNA). The course will consist of practice, role-play, and scenario-based training. The student will leave this course with the fundamental skill sets of hostage/crisis negotiation techniques.

Course objectives:
At the end of this course, the student will be able to: Understand the premise of hostage/crisis negotiations, Recognize elements of successful crisis negotiations, apply common crisis negotiation terms, recognize and apply basic communication skills to crisis negotiations, understand the fundamentals of pre-incident planning, learn to establish command and control during a crisis incident, recognize the phases of crisis negotiations, recognize and mitigate the value of intelligence during a crisis, serve as a member and document crisis negotiations team activities, apply techniques for negotiating with mentally ill subjects, apply effective intervention techniques for suicidal subjects.
Training Dates
12/16/2024 - 12/20/2024
None Specified
Registration Dates
04/26/2023 - 12/15/2024
Available Seats
The maximum capacity for this class has been reached. Your request can be added to the waitlist. Additional seats may become available for future enrollment.
40h 0m
None Specified
Training Location
None Specified
Directions to Location
If this course is located on an NCJA campus, the address is The Larry T. Justus Western Justice Academy, 3971 Chimney Rock Rd, Edneyville, NC 28727, or The North Carolina Justice Academy Salemburg, 200 W College St, Salemburg, NC 28385
Resources Required
Bring a Laptop Computer (Optional)
Reporting Instructions
The class starts at 8:00 am. Attendance of 100% is required at all class sessions. Students are required to participate in all practical exercises. A minimum score of 75% must be achieved on the final exam.
Housing is optional
Check-In 12/15/2024
Check-Out 12/20/2024
Signup Details
Sign up in Acadis; there is no cost to attend this course, and Housing is available but limited if taught on-campus. Must be affiliated with a Law Enforcement Agency to attend.

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