1001-Crime Prevention Specialist Part 1 (Web-Based) - 12/1/2025 Web-Based

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Full Description
The student must first register and complete the sixteen (16) hours crime prevention specialist part 1 (Web) course  before attending crime prevention specialist part 2 class - the remaining twenty-four (24) hours in the classroom.

Who Should Attend:
Law enforcement officers, investigators, crime prevention officers, school resource officers, and security assessment specialists.

Course Goal:
Course Objectives:
This is a hybrid course that includes a 16 hour web-blended delivery and a 24 hour in classroom delivery. The 40-hour course is designed to prepare crime prevention officers to plan, develop, implement, evaluate, and manage effective crime prevention activities and strategies. In addition, the course discusses various prevention focused techniques and tactics that can be used by crime prevention officers to harden schools, houses of worship, businesses, and other soft targets against theft, burglary, vandalism, and other threat vulnerabilities.

1. Define crime prevention and discuss principles of opportunity reduction.

2. List and discuss the risk management factors and the four D’s of crime prevention.

3. Explain the Peelian principles and the role of John C. Klotter in introducing the crime                prevention concept in the United States.

4. Identify the elements needed to design a comprehensive crime prevention program.

5. Define and discuss elements of predictive policing.

6. List and explain neighborhood-based crime prevention strategies.

7. Explain the role of citizen’s police academies, crime stoppers and other business crime prevention programs.

8. Define target hardening and describe the different types of doors, locks, keys, and  

9. List the four basic components of alarms, the three types of sensing devices and different types of fences.  

10. Explain the components of a lighting device.

Testing and Assignments Information:
There are pre and post tests with this course. Additionally, students are required to complete a  300 to 500 word essay for the online delivery.
Training Dates
12/01/2025 - 12/31/2025
None Specified
Registration Dates
08/28/2024 - 11/30/2025
Available Seats
The maximum capacity for this class has been reached. Your request can be added to the waitlist. Additional seats may become available for future enrollment.
16h 0m
None Specified
Training Location
Web Based
Resources Required
Students should be familiar with Microsoft Word and PowerPoint software applications.
Reporting Instructions
None Specified
Signup Details
Agency Limit =2

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