1002-Property and Evidence Room Management (Web-Based) - 3/31/2025 Web-Based

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Full Description
Who Should Attend:
Property and Evidence Room Personnel and Supervisors.  

Course Description and Objectives:
This is a web-based course and is a pre-recorded presentation.  You will go through the course on your own time within the three weeks that the course is open.  

This course covers the appropriate laws, procedures, and industry standards of a property and evidence room at a law enforcement agency in North Carolina.  The course includes a comprehensive overview of the legal and practical aspects of the handling, storage, maintenance and disposal of law enforcement held property and evidence.  Topics include chain of custody, legal requirements, disposal requirements, documentation, design and management, policies and procedures, and evidence handling.

The course is mostly online; however, it requires an independent outside agency property and evidence room tour.  The tour must be completed during the three-week period of class and the student is responsible for contacting the agency and setting up a tour.

Course Requirements:
Completion of all online modules and passing the post-test with a 70% or greater.  Visit a Property and Evidence Room and Complete the Post-Visit Questionnaire.  

Training Dates
03/31/2025 - 04/22/2025
None Specified
Registration Dates
11/17/2023 - 03/28/2025
Available Seats
The maximum capacity for this class has been reached. Your request can be added to the waitlist. Additional seats may become available for future enrollment.
16h 0m
None Specified
Training Location
Reporting Instructions
None Specified

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