Training Catalog

The Training Catalog reflects current courses offered by NC Justice Training and Certification Portal. For each course, you may view a list of available training and request enrollment for any future events.
TrainingDescriptionActionsAction Stack
Community Oriented Policing: Programs, Strategies and Concepts Who Should Attend:

This course is intended for sworn and non-sworn personnel who will be actively engaged in community policing initiatives within their agency. While much of the course content focuses on the delivery of police service by sworn officers, all departmental personnel responsible for dealing with the public can benefit from this course.

Course Goals:

This course will familiarize law enforcement officers and other personnel with the philosophies and concepts of community oriented and problem-solving policing.

Course Objectives:
At the end of this block of instruction, the participant will be able to achieve the following objectives in accordance with the  information presented during the instructional period:

1. Identify the three key components of community-oriented policing.

2. Explain problem-solving concepts and the S.A.R.A. problem-solving model.

3. Explain the importance of partnerships in the community-oriented policing philosophy

4. Define organizational transformation

5. List the characteristics of a community-oriented policing agency.

6. Define the normative sponsorship and critical social theories and explain public value.

7. Discuss the differences between traditional and community policing.

8. Explain the crime triangle and its ability to eliminate or minimize crime.

9. Calculate a crime measurement index using five factors to explain the crime rate in a community.

10. Demonstrate the ability to implement strategies that will promote and facilitate community meetings.

11. Identify four leadership styles that can be used for community-oriented policing.

12. Display the ability to successfully market community-oriented policing.

13. Explain the difference between problem-oriented and community-oriented policing.

14. Given a specific problem, the student will work with others to develop a community-oriented policing strategy or plan of action to eliminate or minimize it.

This course employs lecture, class discussion, demonstration and practice.
3/3/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 03/03/2025 - 03/05/2025
5/12/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 05/12/2025 - 05/14/2025
Rifle Patrol Operator Prerequisites:  
Must be a SWORN L/E officer authorized to carry a patrol rifle.

Who Should Attend:
This three-day course is designed for the beginner as well as the experienced officer in the use of the patrol rifle, specifically the AR15-M4 platform. This course covers the fundamental employment, operation and maintenance of the patrol rifle, involving lecture, practical range exercises, and qualification. The course will raise the competence level of any shooter.  

Course Goal:
To expose the student to basic operation, employment, and maintenance of the patrol rifle.

Course Objectives:
- Discuss reasons for the need for a patrol rifle.
- Identify key nomenclature of the patrol rifle and explain their purpose.
- Describe the cycle of operation of the patrol rifle.
- Demonstrate the ability to field strip and reassemble the patrol rifle and perform basic maintenance.
- Demonstrate the ability to perform basic rifle operation to include loading, unloading, and malfunction clearing.  
- Perform basic rifle marksmanship fundamentals utilizing iron sights first, then optic if mounted.
- Safely demonstrate the ability to shoot from a standing, kneeling, sitting and prone position.
- Demonstrate ability use shooting around barricades using conventional and unconventional shooting positions.
- Demonstrate ability to shoot from multiple positions while using vehicle as cover.

This course employs lecture, discussion, demonstrations and practical exercises.

11/5/2024 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 11/05/2024 - 11/07/2024
1/7/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 01/07/2025 - 01/09/2025
3/18/2025 Hosted by Brunswick Co SO Brusnwick CO Training Facility 03/18/2025 - 03/20/2025
1022 - Field Training Officer Instructor Individuals attending the FTO Instructor Course must submit evidence that they are a General Instructor currently certified by the North Carolina Sheriffs Education and Training Standards Commission or the North Carolina Law Enforcement Education and Training Standards Commission.  

The student must be an active North Carolina Law Enforcement Officer or have served a minimum of six years in that capacity.

The student must have completed the 40-hour NCJA FTO Class, be currently enrolled in an NCJA FTO Class, or receive a waiver from the NCJA FTO Program Instructor/Coordinator. Waivers will be considered based on the applicant’s prior training and experience.
6/16/2025 Salemburg/Hybrid Hybrid 06/16/2025 - 06/24/2025
2016 In-Service Detention Instructor Updates Who Should Attend:

Certified NC Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission instructors planning to teach the Detention In-Service Training as mandated.

Course Goals:

To provide the information and materials necessary to deliver the mandatory in-service topics.

Course Objectives:

The student will be able to teach the topics of instruction in an in-service capacity.


This course employs lecture, conference and discussion.
No Classes Available
2019 Detention In-Service Instructor Update Who Should Attend:

Certified NC Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission instructors planning to teach the Detention In-Service Training as mandated.

Course Goals:

To provide the information and materials necessary to deliver the mandatory in-service topics.

Course Objectives:

The student will be able to teach the topics of instruction in an in-service capacity.


This course employs lecture, conference and discussion.
No Classes Available
2019 In-Service Instructor Update Who Should Attend:

Certified criminal justice instructors planning to teach any of the in-service training topics.

Course Goals:

To provide the information and materials necessary to deliver the mandatory in-service topics.

Course Objectives:

The student will be able to teach the topics of instruction in an in-service capacity.


This course employs discussion, demonstration, group exercise and video.

Course Requirement:  Students must attend all class meetings.  Testing is required for this course.  Participants will be required to score at least 70% on the final exam(s).
No Classes Available
8043 - When the Badge Represents Loss - with NCVAN Who Should Attend:
Any criminal justice professional who may be called to deliver a death notification.

Course Description and Objectives:
One of the most difficult duties within law enforcement or a related profession is to be the bearer of information that none of us can imagine receiving: death notifications.
In this webinar, the steps of preparation, procedure, notification and follow up will be explained to those who are called to conduct this life changing duty to honor lives lost and their loved ones.

NCVAN Law Enforcement Specialist and retired officer Sabrina Garcia will review the essential process in providing a compassionate and professional notification. Jane Allen Wilson, NCVAN Training Director will provide specific and simple communication tools for conveying the news in a manner which is sensitive its potentially traumatic nature. Scott Bass, NCVAN’s former Director of Homicide Support Services, will offer special considerations directly from his work with people who have been on the receiving end of such notifications when a loved one was taken by homicide.

Dual registration required - register through the NCJA's Acadis portal and here:

This training is no-cost.  

Students will receive email notification with additional instructions on how to attend the online class.
No Classes Available
Active Attack Integrated Response Course (AAIR) The training encompasses the fundamentals and philosophy of crisis and hostage negotiations using interactive scenarios;  Crisis and suicide intervention strategies; the tactical role of the negotiator; Incident assessments and Case Studies.

Who Should Attend:
Those officers assigned to a negotiation team or who may otherwise find themselves in a role in which they would be the primary negotiator during a crisis situation.

Course Goal:
This 40-hour course taught by FBI and SBI instructors will provide the student with the
information and skills necessary to conduct a "good negotiation."  A "good negotiation"
being one in which the negotiator applies all of their training and skills to the best of their
ability to resolve a crisis situation regardless of the outcome.

Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, the student will be able to perform the following objectives:
*Demonstrate through practical exercise the fundamentals of crisis negotiation.
*Accurately describe negotiation protocol.
*Discuss differences when negotiating with persons of Arabic descent.
*Apply skills through practical exercise as they relate to correctional settings.
*List indicators of high risk negotiations.
*Discuss wiretap procedures as they apply to North Carolina Law.

The training encompasses the fundamentals and philosophy of crisis and hostage negotiations using interactive scenarios; Crisis and suicide intervention strategies; the tactical role of the negotiator; Incident assessments and Case Studies.

Special Concerns:
Class will begin at 8:00 am on Monday.
No Classes Available
Advanced Child Death Investigation Who Should Attend:
Sworn personnel from law enforcement agencies and prosecutors who are involved in the investigation and prosecution of child fatalities.

Course Objectives:
Students will be able to:
- Develop a complete understanding of statutes as they pertain to child abuse and neglect, from misdemeanors through first degree/felony murder.
- Enhance their ability to develop arguments for which charges to file.
- Develop a complete understanding of how the statutes apply through intensive case analysis.

No Classes Available
Advanced Field Training Officer Who Should Attend:
Law enforcement field trianing officers assigned to patrol that have attended a 32-40 hour basic field training officer program.

Course Objectives:
The student will be able to
- Identify and utilize tactics to enhance officer safety.
- Utilize coaching and feedback in field training.
- Develop and apply remedial training strategies for trainees that are not responding to training.
- Develop and safely implement scenario-based training to improve trainee performance.
- Recognize components of problem-based learning and how they affect field training.
No Classes Available
Advanced Reconstruction with CDR applications Who Should Attend:
This training is designed for officer's who are tasked with the responsibility to decipher and analyze data pertaining to advanced mathematics and physics and the interface of CDR data into their investigative reports.

You must include a copy of your Traffic Crash Reconstruction 2.0  Course or equivalent and you must include a copy of your CDR/EDR Analyst level training certificate or equivalent.

Course Description:
The purpose of this class is to teach the class participants how to work with the CDR data, particularly how to properly use the DELTA-v data to determine impact and post impact velocities in various types of collision scenarios. All of the projects presented in the class are based on actual collisions using downloads obtained from those collisions; reinforcing that the techniques taught in this class can in fact be applied to the real world.

Course Objectives:
- Overview of pre-crash data sources and recorded crash pulse data
- Calculating DELTA-v from acceleration data
- Calculating impulse DELTA-v from x/y DELTA-v data
- Calculating pdof from x/y DELTA-v data
- Adjusting x axis DELTA-v to represent impulse DELTA-v
- Single Equation Approach to 360°Momentum Analysis
- Calculating Impact & Post Impact Velocities from CDR data (DELTA-v & pdof)
- Reconciling Pre-Crash and Post-Crash CDR data
- Analyzing CDR data in Context of your Reconstruction
- All case examples used in class are derived from real world crashes

The Advanced Collision Reconstruction Class with CDR Applications is designed to teach class participants how to work with CDR data in their collision reconstruction. This class is not intended as a replacement for the CDR Analyst class, but acts as a supplement to the CDR Analyst class, taking the analysis of the data a step further.

In addition, this class will incorporate a review of pre-crash and DELTA-v data from the currently supported vehicles and may include additional updated CDR info as time allows.
No Classes Available
Advanced SRO Survival Prerequisite:
School Resource Officer Training

Who Should Attend:
All certified law enforcement officers who are currently assigned as a School Resource

Course Goal:
To provide additional skills for the school resource officer by building on the fundamentals learned in initial school resource officer training.  

Course Objectives:
1. Discuss de-escalation strategies and sound decision making skills for school resource officers.
2. Identify characteristics of weapon concealment and pre-assault behaviors.
3. Discuss casualty care skills including the ability to properly apply a tourniquet.
4. Given a survey instrument, evaluate school security vulnerability including special operation planning.
5. Discuss procedures and tactics for dealing with incidents occurring on school buses in a practical setting.
6. Utilizing a firearms training simulator and force on force training scenarios, demonstrate and articulate the proper use or non-use of force.

This course will employ conference, discussion and practical exercises.

Course Requirements:
Students must successfully score 70% or higher on a final written exam and pass all practical exercises. All practical exercises are pass or fail with the opportunity for remediation for failures.
No Classes Available
Aggressive Driving Enforcement (Web-Based) This course will cover various aspects of aggressive driving. It will contain information related to identifying the problem, interpreting legal considerations, and designing an aggressive driving campaign.

Who Should Register:  
Those law enforcement officers who have the responsibility of enforcing traffic laws within their jurisdiction and those tasked with the responsibility of developing an agency traffic safety program.

Course Goals:
To provide the participants with the information needed to identify and address aggressive driving behaviors on public streets and highways.

Course Objectives:
The student will be able to:
- Identify aggressive driving behavior.
- Interpret legal considerations of aggressive driving enforcement.
- Design an aggressive driving campaign.  

This on-line course employs reading assignments as well as practical exercise.

Course Requirements:
Students must complete all assignments by the conclusion of the course. A minimum score of 70% must be attained on all written examinations and assignments.

Special Concerns:
Student must have access to a computer and e-mail capability.
No Classes Available
ASP Instructor Certification Prerequisites:  Sworn Law Enforcement

Who Should Attend:
Sworn Law Enforcement Officers who will be instructing the use of the ASP collapsible baton, flash light techniques, and ASP handcuffs.

Course Goal:
Present the participant information and skills to enable certification as an ASP Instructor.

Course Objectives:
-Learn proper techniques for teaching strikes and other defensive tactics with the ASP collapsible baton.
-Learn flashlight techniques and teaching methods.
-Learn ASP method of applying handcuffs and proper instructional methods.

Lecture and practical exercises.
No Classes Available
At-Scene Traffic Crash Investigation Who Should Attend:
Law enforcement officers with traffic crash investigation responsibilities. NCJA's Introduction to Traffic Crash Investigation is a prerequisite and must be successfully completed prior to attending NCJA's At-Scene Traffic Crash Investigation.

Course Objectives:
The student will be able to perform a variety of mathematical computations to:
- Determine minimum vehicle speed based on physical evidence.
- Determine time/distance traveled.
- Solve linear equations.
- Perform unit analysis.
- Account for variations in perception/reaction times.
- Account for braking deficiencies when calculating speed.
- Determine the coefficient of friction for various surfaces.

The course employs demonstration, lecture and practical exercises.

No Classes Available
Background Investigations Who Should Attend:
Those assigned and responsible to conduct pre-­employment background investigations of new employees.

Course Goal:  
To provide law enforcement professionals responsible for conducting background investigations the information needed to successfully perform the investigation.

Course Objectives:
At the end of this block of instruction, the student will be able to achieve the following objectives in accordance with information received during the instructional period when conducting an applicant investigation:
- Discuss and define ethics to understand its importance within and throughout the background investigation process.
- Increase general awareness of legal issues pertaining to employment background investigations and avoid violating employment related laws.
- Provide law enforcement professionals responsible for conducting background investigations with a process for conducting interviews related to the background investigation of an applicant seeking employment with a law enforcement agency.
- Familiarize law enforcement professionals responsible for conducting background investigations with information that can be used to conduct investigations on job applicants.
- Provide law enforcement professionals responsible for conducting background investigations the requirements of the related Training and Standards Commission regarding the application process, minimum standards and background requirements for employment as a sworn officer in a law enforcement agency.

This course employs lecture and class discussion.
2/17/2025 McDowell Tech CC McDowell Technical Community College 02/17/2025 - 02/18/2025
Basic Anti-Terrorism Awareness Course Who Should Attend:

All law enforcement officers, investigators and related personnel who may prevent or respond to a terrorist act.

Course Goals:

To provide the participant with the knowledge, skills and abilities to recognize potential terrorist targets, suspicious people and activities and other attack indicators. Methods of receiving and reporting vital information will also be addressed.

Course Objectives:

At the awareness level, the student will be able to:
1.  Recognize potential terrorist indicators, symbols, and behaviors associated with international domestic and Home Grown Violent Extremists (HVE).
2.  Identify common false documents.
3.  Recognize and differentiate between domestic and international groups.
4.  Understand the significance of performing a Threat Vulnerability Assessment in their communities.
5.  Know how and to whom to report suspicious activity and what information is vital in that reporting.


This course will employ lecture, discussion and analysis. The course will have extensive use of video clips, videos and PowerPoint slides. In addition, some outside reading will be required.

Course Requirements:

Attendance is required at all sessions.
No Classes Available
Basic Hostage and Crisis Negotiations Who Should Attend:
Officers assigned or selected to join a crisis negotiations team, or who may otherwise be put in a crisis negotiator role, or officers wishing to learn more about the fundamentals of hostage/crisis negotiations.

Course Goal:
The Basic Hostage and Crisis Negotiations course is designed in a forty (40) hour format to prepare a law enforcement professional to act as a hostage/crisis negotiator or team member on a hostage/crisis negotiations team.  The course is based on fundamentals developed by the FBI and guidelines from the National Council of Negotiation Associations (NCNA). The course will consist of practice, role-play, and scenario-based training. The student will leave this course with the fundamental skill sets of hostage/crisis negotiation techniques.

Course objectives:
At the end of this course, the student will be able to: Understand the premise of hostage/crisis negotiations, Recognize elements of successful crisis negotiations, apply common crisis negotiation terms, recognize and apply basic communication skills to crisis negotiations, understand the fundamentals of pre-incident planning, learn to establish command and control during a crisis incident, recognize the phases of crisis negotiations, recognize and mitigate the value of intelligence during a crisis, serve as a member and document crisis negotiations team activities, apply techniques for negotiating with mentally ill subjects, apply effective intervention techniques for suicidal subjects.
1/6/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 01/06/2025 - 01/10/2025
5/12/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025
9/22/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 09/22/2025 - 09/26/2025
Basic Inmate Transport Who Should Attend:
Detention officers who will be or are assigned the responsibilities of the transportation of inmates.

Course Objectives:
The student will be able to:
- Describe the proper search techniques of an inmate leaving a facility on transport.
- Using various mechanical restraints, demonstrate the proper restraining of an inmate for transport.
- List the various locations an officer may transport an inmate and describe the security concerns of each.
-Through a series of practical exercise scenarios, conduct both single and multiple inmate transports proficiently.

11/21/2024 (Salemburg) NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 11/21/2024 - 11/22/2024
11/25/2024 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 11/25/2024 - 11/26/2024
11/13/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 11/13/2025 - 11/14/2025
12/1/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 12/01/2025 - 12/02/2025
Basic Narcotics Investigator Who Should Attend:
Drug Investigators, Detectives, Patrol Officers, Supervisors, Task force Officers

Course Description and Objectives:
To successfully conduct safe and effective undercover drug operations while ensuring  successful prosecution. This course will cover undercover operations from the beginning of the investigation with intelligence, undercover buys, use of confidential informants all the way to the point where students will draft a search warrant based on the scenarios and practical exercises. Students will also learn about the use of and utilize electronic listening/monitoring devices and GPS trackers during the practical exercises.

Understanding and Recognizing Controlled Substances
The Progression of Controlled Substances
Health and Safety Precautions with Controlled Substances and Analogs
Prices for Controlled Substances
Confidential Informants
How to Conduct Controlled Buys
Officer Safety in Undercover Operations
Confidential Money Management
Undercover/Cover Team/Supervisor Responsibilities
Supplements and Search Warrants
Search Warrant Execution
Electronic Listening/Monitoring Devices & GPS Trackers
No Classes Available
Budgeting for Police Managers (Web-Based) Who Should Register:
This course is intended primarily for police managers who are responsible for budget preparation in their department who desire to enhance their budget preparation skills. Individuals aspiring to become future managers responsible for police budgets may wish to enroll as well.

Course Goals:
This course focuses on developing the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively plan, develop and execute a police budget.  

Course Objectives:
Upon course completion, the student will be able to:
- Define the term budget. Develop the skills necessary to design a strategic plan.
- List and explain the five steps of the budget process.
- Develop a police budget.
- Explain the procedure for determining manpower needs for a police agency.
- List the five components that make up the Crime Measurement Index (CMI).
- Given sufficient data, determine the Crime Measurement Index for certain jurisdictions.
- Given proper information, each student will determine the Relief Factor for police agencies.

This is a seven-week course which employs web-based instruction, testing and written exercises.
10/21/2024 Web-Based Web-Based 10/21/2024 - 12/12/2024
6/9/2025 Web-Based Web-Based 06/09/2025 - 07/28/2025
11/3/2025 Web-Based Web Based 11/03/2025 - 12/22/2025
3/24/2025 Web-Based Web Based 03/24/2025 - 05/12/2025
1/6/2025 Web-Based Web Based 01/06/2025 - 02/24/2025
8/18/2025 Web-Based Web Based 08/18/2025 - 10/06/2025
CDR/EDR Analyst Training Who should attend:
This course offering is for those who have successfully completed a Crash Data Recorder Technicians training program.

You must include a copy of your Technician level training certificate from a community college or equivalent.

Course Description:
This course is an opportunity for qualified and experienced CDR/EDR Technicians to advance their skill level to Analyst. This course provides qualified individuals with both knowledge and skill level expertise for courtroom testimony.

Course objectives:
Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:
- Analyze any set of EDR data encountered.
- Determine if the event recorded is from this crash
- Identify circumstances where EDR data is incomplete or has nothing to do with your crash
- Understand Delta-V
- Use EDR Delta-V along with other scene evidence to get closing speed and speed at impact
- Use Delta V from the vehicle with the recorder to determine the Delta V of the other vehicle
- Recognize vehicle operational conditions that would cause EDR speed data to not accurately reflect true vehicle speed
- Determine the effect that equipment modifications have on EDR speed data

Lecture and hands-on usage of all related technology will be employed during this course.

Course Requirements:
100% attendance is required at all course delivery times and locations.
No Classes Available
Central NC Negotiator Network Training Conference
No Classes Available
Chemical Munitions Instructor Certification - Combined Tactical Systems (CTS) - This course is taught by staff from Combined Tactical Systems and is part of a 4-day instructor certification program. Applicants may elect to attend the complete 4-day program at a cost of $695.00, or attend the individual course(s) of their choice. Cost of each individual course is listed in the tuition/fee box for the specific course offering (see below).

Course includes both classroom and range exercises focusing on the history, nomenclature, applications, use of force consideration, training and legalities of less lethal munitions, as well as integrating less lethal munitions into current departmental methods.
No Classes Available
Chemical Processing and Advanced Photography Who Should Attend:
Individuals assigned to Crime Scene Investigation Units, criminal investigators, and those new to investigations.

Course Objectives:
At the end of this block of instruction, the student will be able to:
- Identify the concepts of chemical development in fingerprint location and development.
- Establish evidentiary potential of hidden evidence at crime scene.
- Locate and properly document hidden evidence utilizing chemical processing techniques.
- Demonstrate evidence documentation and collection procedures as it relates to chemical processing and photography.
- Demonstrate appropriate photographic techniques for recovery of luminescent fingerprint patterns found at  crime scenes.
- Develop latent and biological evidence utilizing a variety of chemical techniques and varying media substance.  
No Classes Available
Child Death Investigation Who Should Attend:
Law enforcement officers, investigators, attorneys, medicolegal investigators, crime scene technicians, fire/ rescue and emergency management personnel, and other agency personnel involved in the response to or investigation of child deaths.

Course Objectives:
The student will be able to:
  - Classify the different causes of death for children and identify the extent of investigation warranted for each.
  - Identify and interpret injuries in child abuse homicides.
  - Identify agencies involved in investigating child deaths and their respective roles.
  - Explain the process for conducting a complete scene investigation for a child death.

No Classes Available
Civil Process for LE's Who Should Attend:
Any Sheriff, deputy, police officer, or other personnel involved in the service of civil process.
Course Goal:
This course will instruct and familiarize law enforcement personnel with: the legal rules for serving civil process on specific types of defendants, including but not limited to natural persons (individuals), corporations, and units of government; the standard forms promulgated by the North Carolina Administrative Office of Courts (AOC) for civil process; the time periods in which different types of civil process must be served and how to properly calculate the time period in which to serve those types of civil process; and law enforcement’s authority in the context of prejudgment and post-judgment remedies.
Course Objectives:
By the end of instruction, the student will be able to:
Explain how to achieve valid and binding service of civil summons on different legal entities.
Explain how to serve a magistrate summons and related documents in a summary ejectment action.
Explain proper service of subpoenas ad testificandum (to testify) and subpoenas duces tecum (to produce documents).
Describe the limits for serving various types of civil process in North Carolina.
Demonstrate how to properly calculate the time period in which to serve civil process.
Explain law enforcement’s role in prejudgment and post-judgment remedies.

This course employs lecture, class discussion, some practical exercises on calculating time periods for service and an intensive review of statutory law, case law, and NC AOC forms.

No Classes Available
Cold Case - Techniques for Unresolved Investigations Special Note - This is a vendor course with a $150 fee.

Who Should Attend:
Detectives, Crime Scene Investigators, Patrol Officers, Supervisors

Course Goal:
To provide an overview of the lead investigator’s responsibilities during a cold case homicide investigation and enable the student to effectively initiate and investigate a previously unresolved murder.

Course Objectives:
Topics Covered:  Methodologies and Techniques for a Cold Case Investigation, Establishing a Cold Case Investigative Unit, Cold Case Solvability Factors, Cold Case Pitfalls, Prosecutorial Considerations, Cold Case Interrogations, Statement Analysis, and Cognitive Interviewing.    

No Classes Available
Conflict Management for Mid-Level Managers Who Should Attend:
Mid-level managers in law enforcement, communications and detention positions.

Course Goal:
To present the student with information necessary to identify conflict, understand elements of conflict and develop a plan for conflict management within their agency.

Course Objectives:
1. Define conflict.
2. Identify six (6) common causes of conflict.
3. Identify and explain the five (5) modes of addressing conflict, using the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Model.
4. List and describe five (5) methods for managing conflict.

Lecture/Conference/Practical Exercises

Course Requirements:
100% attendance
Successful completion of post-test.
No Classes Available
Coordinating In-Service Training Course Who Should Attend:
Those seeking Commission-designation as a new agency In-Service Coordinator (ISTC) must take this course and receive a certificate before submitting their application to the Standards Divisions.  ISTCs are responsible for evaluating instructors and conducting/coordinating Commission-mandated in-service training.

Course Description and Objectives:
The student will be able to:  Discuss the structure and roles of the CJ and Sheriffs' Education &Training Standards Commissions, NCJA, and their staff, as they apply to the ISTC; Discuss the responsibilities and roles of the ISTC; Communicate answers to common questions arising from members of the student's agency; Show familiarity with the online learning platform as well as features of the Acadis portal accessible to certain ISTCs; Demonstrate how to properly complete an Instructor Evaluation form.

Representatives from the Standards Divisions will be present at the training sessions to provide information as to their oversight of compliance with in-service training, records retention, auditing needs, and various Administrative Rules governing the ISTC and in-service training.

2/11/2025 MS Teams MS TEAMS 02/11/2025 - 02/11/2025
12/10/2024 MS Teams MS TEAMS 12/10/2024 - 12/10/2024
Courtroom Success for Crash Investigators Who Should Attend
This course offering is for traffic crash investigators and prosecutors who have a responsibility for investigation and/or prosecution of cases involving serious traffic crash injuries or fatalities.

Course Goal
This course will teach you how to document, interpret and present traffic crash evidence as it relates to prosecution of a serious traffic case.

Course Objectives
- Properly document a serious case
- Interpret evidence and develop methods of understanding for a jury
- Present traffic crash evidence to achieve successful prosecution
No Classes Available
Courtroom Testimony for Investigators and Forensic Professionals Who Should Attend:
Law Enforcement Investigators, Crime Scene Investigators, and Crime Lab Personnel.

Course Description and Objectives:
This course will enhance the investigator's and forensic professional's abilities, comfort, understanding, and capabilities in regards to courtroom testimony.  
The topics covered will include: Constitution law, the criminal justice system, ethics, the rules of testimony, jury perception and mindset, effective testimony, non-verbal communication skills, the role of the defense attorney, visual aids, communication skills, and public speaking.  
No Classes Available
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Who Should Attend:
This course is intended for sworn personnel who will be actively engaged in crime prevention strategies and initiatives in their agency.

Course Goal:
This course will acquaint participants with the techniques and methods used to analyze the potential for crime within the environment, locate conflicts in the environment, and develop plans to reduce or prevent environmentally induced crimes. The practical approach to environmental design will be stressed, and proven practical applications will be demonstrated.

Course Objectives:
At the end of this block of instruction, the participant will be able to accomplish the following objectives:

1. Discuss the fundamental principles of crime prevention.

2. Discuss the history and development of CPTED.

3. Analyze and discuss the five concepts of CPTED: natural access control, territorial reinforcement, maintenance, activity support and natural surveillance.

4. Explain the 3-D concept: Designation, Definition, and Design. Differentiate between the crime prevention strategy classifications of: natural, organized, and mechanical.

5. Explain the impact of landscaping, fences, bollards, and way finding on criminal behavior.

6. Explain the conflict and compatibility between CPTED and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED).

7. Understand the impact of broken window theory on CPTED strategies.

8. Discuss glazing materials and CPTED premises liability.

9. Discuss CPTED design strategies for single-family and multifamily residences and understand site plans.

10. Using CPTED principles, perform an onsite assessment of a structure.  

11. Explain school visitor access control and security lighting.

This course employs discussion, demonstration, lecture, and practical exercises.
2/4/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 02/04/2025 - 02/07/2025
9/15/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 09/15/2025 - 09/18/2025
4/21/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 04/21/2025 - 04/24/2025
Crime Scene Investigation Who Should Attend:
Patrol officers, investigators and other persons responsible for crime scene processing, evidence collection and evidence submission.

Course Objectives:
The student will be able to:
- Secure and protect the crime scene.
- Document a crime scene through sketching and photography.
- Collect, package and transmit various types of physical evidence to the crime laboratory.
No Classes Available
Criminal Investigation: Interviews and Interrogations Who Should Attend:
Sworn Law Enforcement Officers involved in criminal investigations.

Course Goal:
This basic course is designed for law enforcement officers assigned to the investigations section of their agency or for those tasked with the responsibility of conducting criminal investigations, interviews and interrogations.

Course Objectives:
-Identify the difference between an interview and an interrogation.
-Identify legal considerations when conducting an interview or interrogation of an adult and of a juvenile.
-Describe strategies and techniques for planning and conducting successful interviews and interrogations.
-Explain methods to detect deception.
-Discuss different techniques that can be used to develop rapport and obtain information from a variety of individuals.

This course will employ lecture, class discussions, practical exercises, and case studies.  The course will incorporate use of video clips, videos and PowerPoint slides.

12/02/2024 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 12/02/2024 - 12/06/2024
10/6/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 10/06/2025 - 10/10/2025
11/18/2024 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 11/18/2024 - 11/22/2024
10/27/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 10/27/2025 - 10/31/2025
Criminal Investigations through Traffic Law Enforcement Who Should Attend:
Law enforcement officers with patrol or traffic enforcement responsibilities.

Course Goal
To be able to recognize indicators of criminal activity while performing your daily patrol and traffic enforcement duties.

Course Objectives:
- Discusss at least ten (10) indicators of criminal acitivity.
- Define the term commercial motor vehicle and list at least four (4) indicators of possible criminal activity.
- List the six (6) survival commandments used when conducting traffic stops and vehicle searches.
- Discuss various methods of detecting truthful and deceptive behavior.
- Describe the classification of drugs based on the North Carolina General Statutes and apply appropriately.
- Given a suspected controlled substance and reference manual, demonstrate the process used to identify the substance.

This course employs lecture and discussion.
No Classes Available
Criminal Justice Standards Certification Workshop Prerequisites:
• Must be employed by a police department or in a human resources position for the police department.
• In order for you to register for this course, we must receive from your police chief the Written Endorsement to Attend Training Form available below next to Documents. Forms are required by all. No other documents, forms, or waivers are acceptable.

Who Should Attend:
Police chiefs, executive staff, and criminal justice personnel responsible for processing agency and officer paperwork to be submitted to Criminal Justice Standards Division to ensure they meet minimum  certification standards.

Due to the nuance and specificity of the Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission rules, it is not appropriate for employees in a sheriff's office to attend this class. The Sheriffs' Standards Division has a similar course that would better meet students' needs.

Course Goal:
To provide information to law enforcement agencies on the various sections and functions of the Criminal Justice Standards Division including specifics on certification paperwork.

Course Objectives:
The student will be able to achieve the following objectives in accordance with information received during the instructional period:
• Discuss various Criminal Justice Standards forms, how to successfully complete those forms and describe other important steps in the certification process.
• Identify certification requirements through discussion of various Criminal Justice Standards forms.
•Discuss the duties of the Criminal Justice Standards Field Representatives pertaining to an agency audit.

This course employs lecture and class discussion.

Course Requirements
Attendance is required at all class sessions.

10/8/2024 Catawba Valley CC Catawba Valley Community College 10/08/2024 - 10/08/2024
Criminal Sexual Paraphilias Who Should Attend:

Law enforcement officers, prosecutive investigators, medical examiner investigators and crime scene technicians with the responsibility of conducting an investigation and the prosecution of a crime which is sexual in nature.

Course Goal:

To provide the knowledge and skills necessary to thoroughly and successfully investigate, process and prosecute a sexually deviant crime. Focus will be on the identification and nature of paraphilic behavior as it applies to the sexual criminal.

Course Topics:

-Essential features of Sexual Paraphilias
- Reoccurring Sexual urges and Fantasies
- Continuum of Behaviors
- Paraphilic Personality
- Cognitive Distortions
- Sadism
- Common Paraphilias:
Fetishism, Exhibitionism, Transvestitism, Voyeurism, Necrophilia, Telephone Scatologia, Partialism,Zoophilia, Klismaphilia, Urophilia, Piquerism, Infibulation, Frotteurism, Hypoxphilia, Masochism, Pedophilia


This course will employ lecture, conference and practical exercises.

Course Requirements:

Attendance at all class sessions is required.

No Classes Available
Critical Incident Stress Management Who Should Attend:
Law Enforcement Officers, Telecommunicators, and Detention Officers at all levels, management and operational.

Course Goal:
To enable emergency personnel to acquire the skills necessary to recognize the stress they experience during critical incidents and how to manage stress to enable the return to healthy functioning levels in both their professional and personal lives.

Course Objectives:
Explain the psychological distress emergency responders can experience in response to critical incident.

Examine crisis intervention as a short term helping process designed to target the responder's reaction to the critical incident.

Define the terms critical incident stress management and critical incident stress debriefing.


Course Requirements:
Lesson Plan

10/16/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 10/16/2025 - 10/16/2025
Detention Field Training Officer Who Should Attend:
Detention officers who will be or are assigned the responsibilities of training new detention officers during their field training periods.

Course Goal
To provide the technical and personal skills to individuals in order for them to function as evaluators and trainers of recruits who have completed the basic Detention Officer Certification  course.

Course Objectives
The student will be able to:
-  Evaluate the performance of new detention officers.
-  Utilize performance feedback, interpersonal communication skills and training skills in the interaction with the trainees.
-  Successfully utilize leadership skills and attributes.
-  Evaluate and counsel the new detention officer in report writing and note-taking skills.

This course employs lecture, discussion, practical exercises and demonstrations.
9/8/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 09/08/2025 - 09/12/2025
1/6/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 01/06/2025 - 01/10/2025
8/18/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 08/18/2025 - 08/22/2025
Detention Officer Certification Course Who Should Attend:
All persons who are employed as detention officers at local confinement facilities and are required by the Sheriffs’ Education and Training Standards Commission or the Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission to successfully complete this course.

Course Objectives:
The student will be able to:
- Supervise inmates providing safety, security, meals, proper sanitation and medical care.
- Respond to medical emergencies within the facility.
- Search incoming and resident prisoners.
- Search a cell block and general areas.
- Apply information of a prisoner’s legal and constitutional rights to administrative operation of the detention facility, composition of disciplinary sanctions, use of force and civil liability to officers.
- Identify and cope with stressful situations.
- Maintain personal and detention facility security.
- Deal effectively with inmates.
- Process incoming prisoners.
  - Transport prisoners safely.
  - Profile characteristics of a potential suicide.
  - Respond to inmates in crisis situations.
  - Develop the ability to respond to a physical attack to ensure the safety of officers and inmates.
  - Develop and implement emergency plans.
  - Properly demonstrate the use of fire equipment.
No Classes Available
Developing Speaking Skills Course Description:
The course will provide the necessary skills to competently plan, prepare, present, and evaluate a speech or presentation.

Course Objectives:
The student will be able to:
Prepare, organize and deliver a successful presentation.
Select and use appropriate, effective visual aids.
Evaluate his/her own presentation and those of others.  
Develop confidence before an audience.
Speak extemporaneously.

This course employs conference, programmed text, demonstration and practical exercises.

Course Requirements:
Attendance is required at all class sessions. Students are expected to participate in classroom discussion and evaluation, as well as present at least two 10-15 minute speeches on a topic of their choice.

Special Concerns:  This program will utilize classroom instruction and videotaping to facilitate the development of a presentation style.  Practice and constructive critiques will be utilized to enhance the abilities of the participants .
12/02/2024 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 12/02/2024 - 12/03/2024
Distraction Devices Instructor Certification This course is taught by staff from Safariland Training Group and is part of a 4-day instructor certification program. Applicants may elect to attend the complete 4-day program at a cost of $895.00, or attend the individual course(s) of their choice. Cost of each individual course is  listed in the tuition/fee box for the specific course offering (see below).

This class focuses on the planning and tactical deployment of Distraction Device® products. This 1 day course is separated into two sections, with a half-day of lecture-based studies, followed by a half day of deployment testing and evaluation in the field. Unlike many classes on this topic, the information provided is direct from the manufacturer of the products used.

This information includes nomenclature of modern distraction/diversionary device, decibel ratings, tactical considerations, psychological/physiological effects, handling/storage/render safe procedures and criminal and civil liabilities, policies and procedures with a focus on preparing the student to return to their agency and provide in-service training and documentation.  Throughout the class, students will participate in discussions with instructors who are nationally recognized for their experience in real world deployments of Distraction Device munitions.

Upon completion of the course and successfully passing the final exam, the student may provide in-service training to their agency in specific areas for 36 calendar months from the testing date.

Students will receive a CD containing presentation materials and videos to be utilized by the student when training their own departments.
No Classes Available
Domestic Violence Institute Who Should Attend:
Law enforcement officers responding to or conducting follow up of domestic violence incidents.

Course Description:  
To provide the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively respond to and investigate domestic violence incidents and provide trauma-informed responses to victims.

Course Objectives:  
The student will be able to:
- Understand the dynamics of domestic violence and how it impacts the victim and law enforcement response.
- Define trauma and explain the impact of trauma on domestic violence and how it effects law enforcement response.
- Demonstrate how to conduct an effective, trauma-informed, domestic violence investigation.
- Provide the basis for an evidence-based prosecution when a victim is unavailable.
- List several legal tools law enforcement officers can utilize to increase holding domestic violence offenders accountable.
- Recognize various aspects of cultural awareness and biases present that may affect the officer’s response to a victim.
- Discuss tactics used by law enforcement officers to perpetrate domestic violence.
- Identify the use of technology for stalking victims.
- List several investigatory tools for collecting electronic evidence in domestic violence and stalking cases.
- Discuss the importance of establishing community partnerships.
- In a mock scenario setting, demonstrate the ability to effectively testify in court based on the information learned in this course.

Lecture/Practical Exercise/Demonstration/Discussion

Course Requirements:
100% attendance, successful completion of post-testing, and demonstration of skills learned in course during practical exercises
12/09/2024 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 12/09/2024 - 12/13/2024
12/8/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 12/08/2025 - 12/12/2025
Domestic Violence: Crimes and Legal Issues Who Should Attend
Law enforcement officers assigned to investigate domestic violence matters.

Course Goal
Officers must be aware of their authority to engage In enforcement activities related to domestic violence and 50B protective orders.

Course Objectives
Students will review statutes and judicial decisions involving the following topics:
>   Criminal offenses pertinent to domestic violence, including laws of warrantless arrest.
>   50B procedures, including 50B crimes and other law enforcement response issues.
>   Protection of victims of domestic violence and civil liability issues in law enforcement response.

This course employs lecture, class discussion and review of statutes and judicial decisions.

Course Requirements
Attendance is required for the entire session.

No Classes Available
Evidence Room Administration and Supervision Who Should Attend:
Law Enforcement Command Staff supervising and overseeing the operations of  the Property and Evidence Room.

Course Goals:
It is the ultimate duty of the law enforcement administrator to ensure the management of evidence in their agency is handled in a professional manner. Proper selection of personnel, regular background investigations, professional training, adequate staffing, scheduled and random audits and inventories, increased security measures, up to date policy and procedures, and supportive leadership must be a priority. Without these checks and balances in place, it is only a matter of time until an agency joins the ever growing list of law enforcement organizations that are facing media scrutiny, terminations, state investigations and most importantly, dismissal of serious criminal cases.  

This course will focus in detail on these checks and balances and bring to light major liabilities that are hidden behind the doors of the evidence room. It will discuss in detail what role the law enforcement administrator has in the mitigation of these liabilities.  The course will discuss measures every law enforcement administrator must take to prevent the mishandling, theft and loss of evidence from occurring in their agency.  It will also discuss what steps must be taken if theft or mishandling has occurred.

Topics Covered:
-Hiring and staffing: What qualities and characteristics make a good evidence specialist.  Who not to place in the Evidence Room.  Sworn vs. Non-Sworn employees
-Background Investigations: What types and how often should they occur.
-Organizational placement of the Evidence Room within the agency.
-Professional training for Evidence Room staff:  What is available statewide and nationally.
-Define the top 3 liabilities in the Evidence Room.
-Writing an evidence policy:  Key components and how often should it be updated
-Creating an evidence procedures manual:  Key components.
-Define inventories, audits, and inspections:  When should they be conducted and who should be conducting them.
-Organizing the Evidence Room: Proper storage locations for high liability evidence such as guns, money, drugs.
-Proper security measures:  Burglar alarms, card access control, key holders, surveillance cameras, and evidence lockers.
-What to do once theft or mishandling has occurred.
-How to be a supportive administrator.

This course will employ lecture, discussion, and analysis.  The course will have use of PowerPoint slides, interactive questionnaires, and handouts.  
No Classes Available
Field Training Officer - FTO This forty-hour course is for law enforcement officers tasked with providing field training to law enforcement recruits who have completed BLET or equivalent training.  It will focus on understanding the various roles that an FTO must fulfill and the basic requirements of their position.

The trainee must be a SWORN law enforcement officer who has arrest powers. This course is not appropriate for non-sworn detention officers.  NCJA offers a separate FTO Course for detention officers.    This course may not be appropriate for officers from agencies that use the Police Training Officer (PTO) Model or a similar model that does not use a rating scale for assessing recruit's daily performance.

Course Goals:
To provide the knowledge and skills needed to perform the role of Field Training Officer effectively.

Course Objectives:
Upon completing this course, the student will be able to:
-  Explain the history and significant components of the San Jose Field Training Officer Model and the Police Training Officer Model programs.
- Identify techniques to improve the FTO’s interpersonal communication and report writing skills, use of leadership styles, ethical standards, and actions that avoid civil liability while training.
- Describe the roles and responsibilities of the field training officer, including the techniques for teaching adults, and engaging students with problem-based scenarios.  
- Observe, evaluate and document a trainee’s field performance while providing constructive feedback to improve trainee performance.
- Identify and apply effective remedial training strategies to improve trainee performance.
- Identify situations that contribute to felony assaults and accidental deaths suffered by law enforcement officers.

This course is instructor led, and encompasses classroom lecture, discussion, reading assignments, PowerPoint presentations, group exercises, quizzes, and a final examination.
09/30/2024 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 09/30/2024 - 10/04/2024
12/09/2024 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 12/09/2024 - 12/13/2024
4/21/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025
3/3/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 03/03/2025 - 03/07/2025
12/8/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 12/08/2025 - 12/12/2025
9/15/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 09/15/2025 - 09/19/2025
5/19/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025
10/6/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 10/06/2025 - 10/10/2025
2/3/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 02/03/2025 - 02/07/2025
10/21/2024 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 10/21/2024 - 10/25/2024
8/18/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 08/18/2025 - 08/22/2025
10/20/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 10/20/2025 - 10/24/2025
Field Training Officer Supervisor Prerequisites:
The trainee must be a SWORN law enforcement officer, have completed the NCJA 40-hour field training officer course or equivalent, OR be a law enforcement supervisor currently tasked with supervising a field training program.  

Pre-Requisites Questions:
Attended NCJA 40-hour FTO program. If not, provide certification from where completed.

Written Endorsement completed and uploaded to Acadis.

This twenty-hour course is for law enforcement officers tasked with managing or supervising their agency’s field training program.  It will focus on the policies and procedures for proficiently managing and supervising a comprehensive and effective field training program.

Course Goals:
To provide the knowledge and skills needed to manage and supervise a field training program effectively.

Course Objectives:
Upon completing this course, the student will be able to:
-  Differentiate between the basic structures of the FTO/PTO field training programs.
-  Identify key elements and outcomes of a successful field training program.
-  Properly select new field training officers
-  Incorporate proper evaluation and documentation procedures into an agency’s FTO/PTO
- Recognize and recommend remedial training strategies, including Problem Based Learning.
- Execute the various roles responsibilities that encompass effective supervision and management of a field training program
- Recognize civil liability issues that may affect the FTO/PTO program and staff

This web-based course employs self-guided learning utilizing online reading assignments, PowerPoint presentations, quizzes, and a final examination.

2/24/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 02/24/2025 - 02/26/2025
11/12/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 11/12/2025 - 11/14/2025
6/9/2025 Web-based Web Based 06/09/2025 - 06/20/2025
10/10/2024 Web-Based Web-Based 10/10/2024 - 10/22/2024
Firearms for Female Officers Who Should Attend:
Any female officer interested in becoming more proficient with their service handgun while learning concepts of ergonomics as it affects firearms training, learning the fundamentals of shooting.

Course Description:
To provide the information and skills necessary to effectively and efficiently utilize the service weapons and support equipment.

Course Objectives:
The student will be able to:
- Define Sight Alignment and Sight Picture
- Demonstrate the proper method to draw and fire a handgun.
- Demonstrate a proper on-hand and two-hand grip with a handgun
- Demonstrate the proper method to mount a rifle and shotgun.
- Demonstrate the proper method to deal with a malfunction.
- Demonstrate one-hand (Injured Officer) manipulation and firing of each duty weapon.

Course requirements:
Attendance is required for all class and range sessions.
01/28/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 01/28/2025 - 01/30/2025
10/28/2024 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 10/28/2024 - 10/30/2024
10/14/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 10/14/2025 - 10/16/2025
05/20/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 05/20/2025 - 05/22/2025
First Line Supervision Who Should Attend:
New supervisors and supervisors who have not received formal supervisory training.

Course Objectives:

The student will be able to:
- Avoid liability problems arising from employment practices and field operations.
- Identify misconduct and corruption and be able to use appropriate techniques to prevent them.
- Determine and utilize motivational incentives to improve or cause high performance.
- Lead groups in consensus decision making and creative problem solving.
- Promote ethical practices in law enforcement and create a professional law enforcement culture.
  - Complete and receive results from a personality inventory.  
- Lead others through concepts of empowerment and transformation.
- Demonstrate supervising for results skills dealing with work performance and work habit problems.
- Utilize identified competencies of a leader to address factors in high performance by employees.
- Utilize at least three different techniques to forecast the future.
12/9/2024 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 12/09/2024 - 12/13/2024
3/17/2025 Forsyth Tech CC Forsyth Tech King Campus 03/17/2025 - 03/21/2025
7/28/2025 South Piedmont CC South Piedmont Community College 07/28/2025 - 08/01/2025
8/18/2025 Forsyth Tech CC Forsyth Tech King Campus 08/18/2025 - 08/22/2025
First Line Supervision for Detention Supervisors Course Objectives
The student will be able to:
- Avoid liability problems arising from employment practices and field operations.
- Identify misconduct and corruption and be able to use appropriate techniques to prevent them.
- Determine and utilize motivational incentives to improve or cause high performance.
- Lead groups in consensus decision making and creative problem solving.
- Promote ethical practices in a detention facility and create a professional detention culture.
- Complete and receive results from a personality inventory.
- Lead others through concepts of empowerment and transformation.
- Demonstrate supervising for results skills dealing with work performance and work habit problems.
- Utilize identified competencies of a leader to address factors in high performance by employees.

Who Should Attend
New detention supervisors who have not received formal supervisory training.
10/07/2024 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 10/07/2024 - 10/11/2024
4/21/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 04/21/2025 - 04/25/2025
3/17/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 03/17/2025 - 03/21/2025
10/20/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 10/20/2025 - 10/24/2025
10/6/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 10/06/2025 - 10/10/2025
Flash Bangs Instructor Certification - Combined Tactical Systems (CTS) This course is taught by staff from Combined Tactical Systems and is part of a 4-day instructor certification program. Applicants may elect to attend the complete 4-day program at a cost of $695.00, or attend the individual course(s) of their choice. Cost of each individual course is listed in the tuition/fee box for the specific course offering (see below).

Course includes both classroom and range exercises focusing on the history, nomenclature, applications, use of force consideration, training and legalities of less lethal munitions, as well as integrating less lethal munitions into current departmental methods.

No Classes Available
Forensic Analysis for Patrol Officers Who Should Attend:
Patrol Officers, First Responders, Detectives, Supervisors, and those new to Crime Scene Investigations

Course Goal:
This three day course will focus on the procedures to take for a basic crime scene investigation conducted by first responders and patrol officers.  

Course Objectives:
Crime Scene Security and Chain of Custody
Composition and Crime Scene Photography
Processing for Latent Prints
Searching, Sketching and Measuring a Crime Scene
Evidence Collection and Packaging
Scene Documentation and Report Writing
Gun Shot Residue Collection
Collecting Biological Evidence
The Processing Method

Lecture, Demonstration, Practical Exercise

No Classes Available
Forensic Analysis of Bloodstain Patterns This is a 40 hour basic intro course designed to enhance the student's understanding of how to analyze the bloodstain evidence at a crime scene in order to assist in an investigation.  The topics covered in this course will include:  
Bloodstain Pattern Analysis and Reconstruction
History and Development of Bloodstain Pattern Analysis
Health and Safety Precautions
Fluid Dynamics and Physical Characteristics of Blood
Limitations of Bloodstain Pattern Analysis
Identify Individuals Patterns of Spatter and Non-Spatter
Proper Documentation and Collection

Course requirements:
Attendance of 100% is required at all class sessions. Students are required to participate in all practical exercises.  A minimum score of 75% must be achieved on the final exam.
12/02/2024 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 12/02/2024 - 12/06/2024
02/10/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 02/10/2025 - 02/14/2025
10/27/2025 Edneyville (Rescheduled from 10/13/2025) NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 10/27/2025 - 10/31/2025
05/12/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 05/12/2025 - 05/16/2025
Forensic Analysis of Shooting Incidents Who Should Attend:
Detectives, Crime Scene Investigators, Patrol Officers, Supervisors

Course Goal:
To understand how to analyze the evidence related to a shooting incident.

Course Objectives:
Topics: Scene Reconstruction, Firearm Parts, Ballistics, Wounds, Bullet Holes, Ricochets, Chemical Field Testing, Impact Angle, Trajectory, Bullet Wipe, Stippling, Shooter Zones, Distance Determination, Serial Number Restoration, Death Scene Observations, and Report Writing.  

Lecture, Demonstration, Practical Exercises

11/18/2024 (Edneyville) NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 11/18/2024 - 11/22/2024
6/23/2025 Edneyville 06/23/2025 - 06/27/2025
11/3/2025 Edneyville 11/03/2025 - 11/07/2025
04/07/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 04/07/2025 - 04/11/2025
FTA Alcohol Testing Program - FTA Alcohol Screening Test Device (ASTD) This optional course is designed to enhance an officer’s proficiency in the use of the Alcohol Screening Test device utilized at driving while impaired (DWI) arrests in compliance with 10A NCAC 41B .0502(b)(4).
No Classes Available
FTA Alcohol Testing Program - FTA Alcohol Screening Test Device (ASTD) - Region 5 This optional course is designed to enhance an officer’s proficiency in the use of the Alcohol Screening Test device utilized at driving while impaired (DWI) arrests in compliance with 10A NCAC 41B .0502(b)(4).
No Classes Available
FTA Alcohol Testing Program - FTA INTOX EC/IR II Operator - Region 1 The Breath Alcohol Testing Basic Operator Training Course is also known as the Intox EC/IR II Operator Evidential Breath Alcohol Testing. This course teaches law enforcement officers how to operate the breath testing instrument and earn a Chemical Analyst permit.

This is a multi-dimensional training that allows students hands-on experience testing an impaired person as well as seeing first-hand the impaired effects of measured alcohol content.
No Classes Available
FTA Alcohol Testing Program - FTA INTOX EC/IR II Operator - Region 2 The Breath Alcohol Testing Basic Operator Training Course is also known as the Intox EC/IR II Operator Evidential Breath Alcohol Testing. This course teaches law enforcement officers how to operate the breath testing instrument and earn a Chemical Analyst permit.

This is a multi-dimensional training that allows students hands-on experience testing an impaired person as well as seeing first-hand the impaired effects of measured alcohol content.
No Classes Available
FTA Alcohol Testing Program - FTA INTOX EC/IR II Operator - Region 3 The Breath Alcohol Testing Basic Operator Training Course is also known as the Intox EC/IR II Operator Evidential Breath Alcohol Testing. This course teaches law enforcement officers how to operate the breath testing instrument and earn a Chemical Analyst permit.

This is a multi-dimensional training that allows students hands-on experience testing an impaired person as well as seeing first-hand the impaired effects of measured alcohol content.
No Classes Available
FTA Alcohol Testing Program - FTA INTOX EC/IR II Operator - Region 4 The Breath Alcohol Testing Basic Operator Training Course is also known as the Intox EC/IR II Operator Evidential Breath Alcohol Testing. This course teaches law enforcement officers how to operate the breath testing instrument and earn a Chemical Analyst permit.

This is a multi-dimensional training that allows students hands-on experience testing an impaired person as well as seeing first-hand the impaired effects of measured alcohol content.
No Classes Available
FTA Alcohol Testing Program - FTA INTOX EC/IR II Operator - Region 5 The Breath Alcohol Testing Basic Operator Training Course is also known as the Intox EC/IR II Operator Evidential Breath Alcohol Testing. This course teaches law enforcement officers how to operate the breath testing instrument and earn a Chemical Analyst permit.

This is a multi-dimensional training that allows students hands-on experience testing an impaired person as well as seeing first-hand the impaired effects of measured alcohol content.
No Classes Available
FTA Alcohol Testing Program - FTA INTOX EC/IR II Operator - Region 6 The Breath Alcohol Testing Basic Operator Training Course is also known as the Intox EC/IR II Operator Evidential Breath Alcohol Testing. This course teaches law enforcement officers how to operate the breath testing instrument and earn a Chemical Analyst permit.

This is a multi-dimensional training that allows students hands-on experience testing an impaired person as well as seeing first-hand the impaired effects of measured alcohol content.
No Classes Available
FTA Alcohol Testing Program - FTA INTOX EC/IR II Operator - Region 7 The Breath Alcohol Testing Basic Operator Training Course is also known as the Intox EC/IR II Operator Evidential Breath Alcohol Testing. This course teaches law enforcement officers how to operate the breath testing instrument and earn a Chemical Analyst permit.

This is a multi-dimensional training that allows students hands-on experience testing an impaired person as well as seeing first-hand the impaired effects of measured alcohol content.
No Classes Available
FTA Alcohol Testing Program - FTA INTOX EC/IR II Recertification - Region 1 This is a recertification course for chemical analysts to attend every two years and demonstrate a continuing ability to perform accurate and reliable chemical analyses of the breath.
No Classes Available
FTA Alcohol Testing Program - FTA INTOX EC/IR II Recertification - Region 2 This is a recertification course for chemical analysts to attend every two years and demonstrate a continuing ability to perform accurate and reliable chemical analyses of the breath.
No Classes Available
FTA Alcohol Testing Program - FTA INTOX EC/IR II Recertification - Region 3 This is a recertification course for chemical analysts to attend every two years and demonstrate a continuing ability to perform accurate and reliable chemical analyses of the breath.
No Classes Available
FTA Alcohol Testing Program - FTA INTOX EC/IR II Recertification - Region 4 This is a recertification course for chemical analysts to attend every two years and demonstrate a continuing ability to perform accurate and reliable chemical analyses of the breath.
No Classes Available
FTA Alcohol Testing Program - FTA INTOX EC/IR II Recertification - Region 5 This is a recertification course for chemical analysts to attend every two years and demonstrate a continuing ability to perform accurate and reliable chemical analyses of the breath.
No Classes Available
FTA Alcohol Testing Program - FTA INTOX EC/IR II Recertification - Region 6 This is a recertification course for chemical analysts to attend every two years and demonstrate a continuing ability to perform accurate and reliable chemical analyses of the breath.
No Classes Available
FTA Alcohol Testing Program - FTA INTOX EC/IR II Recertification - Region 7 This is a recertification course for chemical analysts to attend every two years and demonstrate a continuing ability to perform accurate and reliable chemical analyses of the breath.
No Classes Available
Fundamentals of Law Enforcement Driving Who Should Attend
This course is intended for sworn North Carolina law enforcement officers.

Course Description and Objectives:

To provide the student with a refresher with regard to operating a vehicle while performing the functions of a law enforcement officer. At the end of this course, the participant will be able to achieve the following objectives in accordance with information received during the instructional period:

Demonstrate the acceptable use of occupant protection devices during quick entry/exit practical exercises.

Identify the three components of the driving system and discuss their relationship to law enforcement driving maneuvers and crash causes.

Identify the acronym “SIPDE” and explain its relationship to a driving style that is low-risk, high-gain.

Identify the driving maneuvers that frequently contribute to law enforcement vehicular collisions.

List acceptable collision avoidance methods.

Identify factors that may impair vision and special considerations required while performing nighttime driving.

Identify factors to consider for vehicular pursuits and emergency responses.

Identify the types and limitations of emergency warning devices on law enforcement vehicles.

Identify methods that will aid in the effective use of a law enforcement radio during an emergency response.

Identify the legal and liability issues concerning law enforcement vehicular operations to include: Operator’s negligence; Vehicular pursuit; “Failure to protect” theory; North Carolina General Statutes.

Complete a practical exercise concerning each student agency’s emergency response and pursuit policy, or the Attorney General’s Model Policy.

Demonstrate the ability to use acceptable vehicle control methods by successfully completing the following practical exercises: Offset Lane Maneuver; Fixed Radius Curve; Precision Exercise (day and night); Quick Entry/Exit (Stress/non-stressed).
11/5/2024 (Salemburg) NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 11/05/2024 - 11/07/2024
2/18/2025 (Rescheduled from 3/4/2025) Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 02/18/2025 - 02/20/2025
11/4/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 11/06/2025 - 11/08/2025
5/20/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 05/20/2025 - 05/22/2025
General Criminal Investigations Who Should Attend

This course is designed for law enforcement officers assigned to the investigations section of their agency or for those tasked with the responsibility of conducting felony criminal investigations.

Course Goal

This course is intended as a foundational course that will teach the student broad yet fundamental investigative procedures. The material covered will provide the knowledge and skills necessary to conduct a thorough criminal investigation beginning with the initial law enforcement response and ending with a successful prosecution.

Course Objectives

>    Discuss the methodology of a successful criminal investigation.
>    Discover theories associated with criminal cognition.
>    Identify the characteristics of a successful investigator.
>    List the ways in which an investigative narrative is used to determine the truth.
>    Identify the preliminary investigative procedures required in any investigation.
>    Discuss crime scene tasks and areas of responsibility for the lead investigator.
>    Explore the proper techniques for interaction with the media.
>    List considerations for when a suspect is in custody at the investigators arrival on scene.
>    Discuss techniques utilized in developing investigative leads.
>    Learn the proper steps in collecting a statement from a person involved in an investigation.
>    Examine some of the basic steps in the interview process.
>    Name several of the common actions done in the follow-up portion of an investigation.
>    Identify the necessary considerations of working with informants.
>    Discuss evaluating and tracing the suspect along with documenting negative evidence.
>    List valuable investigative resources.
>    Discover the proper techniques used in case file preparation and report writing.
>    Examine data collected from a survey submitted by District Attorneys from across the state.
>    Discuss concerns associated with trial preparation and testifying in court.

This course employs lecture, discussion, practical exercises and demonstrations.

Course Requirements
Attendance is required at all sessions. Students must achieve a minimum score of 70% on a written test which will be given at the conclusion of the course.

There is an agency limit of four (4).
3/10/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 03/10/2025 - 03/14/2025
5/19/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 05/19/2025 - 05/23/2025
11/17/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 11/17/2025 - 11/21/2025
1/13/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 01/13/2025 - 01/17/2025
11/18/2024 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 11/18/2024 - 11/22/2024
9/8/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 09/08/2025 - 09/12/2025
7/14/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 07/14/2025 - 07/18/2025
Human Trafficking Protocol Training for Law Enforcement Who Should Attend:
Officers, investigators, supervisors, victim-witness coordinators and anyone else who interacts with possible victims of human trafficking while responding to or investigation of calls for service.

Course Objectives:
The student will be able to:
- Define human trafficking according to federal and state law.
- Compare and contrast human trafficking and human smuggling.
- Define and describe the dynamics of human trafficking and their traumatic effects upon victims.
- Identify various forms of exploitation associated with human trafficking.
- Discuss strategies for victim identification.
- Identify and discuss methods of effective response and investigation of human trafficking.
- Identify and discuss possible assistance for victims.
- Identify and discuss possible resources for law enforcement.
- Identify visa provisions for human trafficking victims and actions required of law enforcement in these actions.
- Demonstrate knowledge of concepts learned through practice exercise.

No Classes Available
Impact Munitions Instructor Certification This course is taught by staff from Combined Tactical Systems and is part of a 4-day instructor certification program. Applicants may elect to attend the complete 4-day program at a cost of $695.00, or attend the individual course(s) of their choice. Cost of each individual course is  listed in the tuition/fee box for the specific course offering (see below).

Course includes both classroom and range exercises focusing on the history, nomenclature, applications, use of force consideration, training and legalities of less lethal munitions, as well as integrating less lethal munitions into current departmental methods.
No Classes Available
Instructor Training Orientation Who Should Register
All school directors, instructors and evaluators who will be participating (teaching/evaluating) in the offering of the General Instructor Training course under the auspices of the North Carolina Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission.

Course Goal:
To prepare certified instructors to deliver blocks of instruction and evaluate student performance in the Instructor Training Course.

Course Objectives
The student will be able to:
- Identify each entity that: formulates the changes to and approval of the Instructor Training lesson plans; is responsible for the production of the Instructor Training lesson plans; is the certification authority of criminal justice instructors in North Carolina.
-Given ten (10) reference sources of different types, properly cite each in writing with one hundred percent (100%) accuracy according to the specifications of the Instructor Training Revision Committee.
-Identify in writing, the time parameters that an instructor must adhere to during the final presentation of the prepared lesson plan along with the scoring parameters of both the presentation and the prepared lesson plan.
-Complete the appropriate evaluation forms and provide written critiques pertaining to the:
            -the eight-minute (8) lesson plan introduction;
            -the first and second thirty-five (35) minute lesson plan presentations;
           -the first submission of the complete seventy (70) minute lesson plan.

Course Requirements
The student is required to evaluate all the instructor candidate presentations, in their entirety, which are presented during an instructor training program.  The student is required to evaluate two instructor candidates prepared lesson plans.  In order to successfully complete this course the student  is required to: submit all assignments by the prescribed deadlines; score with 80% accuracy or above on the second evaluation of the written lesson plan; and obtain 75% or above on the course post-test.

This course is taught completely online. The course will utilize online streaming video, e-mail and fax technologies to facilitate the learning process. The course is instructor-led, but completely asynchronous.
1/20/2025 Web-Based Web Based 01/20/2025 - 02/24/2025
8/11/2025 Web-Based Web Based 08/11/2025 - 09/15/2025
4/1/2025 Web-Based Web Based 04/01/2025 - 05/05/2025
Introduction to Financial Crimes Who Should Attend:

Investigators and other law enforcement officers who conduct investigations related to financial impropriety.

Course Goals:

To provide students with the basic knowledge and ability to identify and utilize the tools necessary to detect financial impropriety.

Course Objectives:

Students will be able to:
-Correctly identify the relevant North Carolina Criminal Statutes as they pertain to financial crime investigations.
-Identify current characteristics, profile indicators and organizational warning signs involving embezzlement, larceny, forgery, and the obtaining of property by false pretense.
- Identify current practices being utilized by terrorist organizations to illegally fund operations at the local level.
- List the five sections of the standard financial report and discuss the warnings signs of possible improper/ illegal activity.
- Define the seven fundamental tricks used to mislead auditors through the use of questionable financial practices and the warning signs used to detect those tricks.
- Correctly identify the best practices for seizing electronic evidence.


This course utilizes lecture, demonstration, case studies and practical exercises.

Course Requirements:

Attendance is required at all class sessions. Students will be required to complete the practical exercises and academic assignments given throughout the course.
No Classes Available
Introduction to Traffic Crash Investigation Who Should Attend:
Law enforcement officers who may be the first to arrive on scene at a traffic crash.

Course Goal
To teach the officer methods for identification, preservation and documentation of critical time-sensitive evidence  typically found at the scene of a traffic crash.

Course Objectives:
The course will include instruction covering the following areas:
- Safely responding to the scene.
- Scene management.
- Recognizing the Human Factors involved.
- Interviewing techniques.
- Identifying and documenting physical evidence.
- Measuring and diagramming crash scenes.
- Legal issues.
- Proper completion of the DMV-349.

The class will employ lectures and extensive practical exercises.        

No Classes Available
Investigating Crimes in Long-Term Care Facilities: Voiceless Victims Who Should Attend:
Criminal Justice Professionals, investigating crimes against the elderly.

Course Goal:
To provide criminal justice personnel with updated information, improved knowledge and communication techniques regarding unique situations and challenges which may present themselves in a long term care setting.

Course Objectives:
-Identify and distinguish between the various types of long term care facilities.
-Identify and describe in writing, the regulatory agencies that oversee long term care facilities.
-Given basic information, describe aspects of the normal aging process, and list common challenges   faced by older adults, especially related to communication and potential victimization.
-Utilize and develop additional skills and techniques learned in class to enhance their efforts of interaction or interviewing of residents in a long term care facility.
-Understand and explain in writing the fundamental principles of law regarding personal decision-making which includes Powers of Attorney and Guardianship.
-Identify in writing the ways that law enforcement officers can obtain medical records without violating HIPAA.
-Explain the role of Adult Protective Services regarding allegations of abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
-Identify and list the elements of the crimes designed to protect the elderly and disabled.

This course employs lecture, discussion, and hands-on skill practice.

3/12/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 03/12/2025 - 03/13/2025
6/25/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 06/25/2025 - 06/26/2025
10/22/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 10/22/2025 - 10/23/2025
Investigating the Sexual Victimization of Children Who Should Attend:

Individuals, who as part of their job function, must investigate allegations of the sexual victimization of children.

Course Goals:

To provide the participant with the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully conduct an investigation of child sexual victimization.

Course Objectives:

The student will be able to:
- Identify thinking errors common to individuals who sexually victimize children.
-Recognize the various types of child sexual molesters.
- Identify various reasons for the sexual victimization of children.
- Recognize various types of rape and paraphilic behavior associated with this type offender.
- Identify what is or is not pornography and its relationship to the sexual victimization of children.  


This course will employ lecture, discussion and conference methods.

Course Requirements:

Attendance at all class sessions is required.

No Classes Available
Israeli HLS Conference Prerequisites/Who Should Attend:
Must be organizational leaders (or their designees) responsible for training, managing, or supervising L/E involved in security tasks, threat detection, assessment, and tactical response to active threats.

Course Goal:
The goal of the Conference is to introduce participants to (1) IMI Florida Academy, an affiliate of Israel’s IMI Systems Advanced Homeland Security Academy, recognized worldwide as the leading provider of HLS for integrated training solutions to combat terrorism, and (2) the unique method and skills of our specially designed courses being offered to L/E at NCJA.

Course Objectives:
The participant will be able to:
- Recognize different approaches to security and active threat preparedness and response.    
- Comprehend basic fundamentals of the Israeli fighting method: single fighter concept, striving to engage, violence of action, speed and precision.
- Analyze lessons learned by the State of Israel regarding proven tactics, techniques, and procedures to combat active threats.
- See how new training courses offered by IMI Florida Academy would be useful for staff within their respective organizations.  

This course employs lecture, discussion, demonstrations, Q&A session, and practical exercise.

Special Concerns:
Only sworn law enforcement or active military personnel will be allowed to enroll.  

No Classes Available
Israeli Single Fighter Response Method Prerequisites/Who Should Attend:
Sworn active duty L/E officers or military capable of engaging in physically rigorous exercise without medical restrictions.

Course Goal:
The Israeli active shooter response is based on the single fighter concept, which embodies striving to engage and violence of action. Officers are trained to engage an assailant with aggression, determination, speed and precision. During this course participants will learn and practice Israel’s active incident response style and tactics.

The goal of the course is twofold: (1) to promote the attitude to engage independently and from a tactically disadvantaged position and (2) to enhance the single fighter technical and tactical skills to survive the attack and eliminate threats with precision and speed.

Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, participants will be able to achieve the following objectives in accordance with the information presented during the instructional period:

(1) Identify critical threat indicators prior to an active incident, when possible, to prevent it from occurring

(2) Demonstrate weapons proficiency and Krav Maga skills

(3) Operate under high levels of stress with fortitude and aggressiveness appropriate to the given situation and within the confines of the law

(4) Respond as a single operative and demonstrate the tactics necessary to successfully neutralize the threat.

This course employs lecture, discussion, demonstrations, practical and surprise exercises.

This course employs lecture, discussion, demonstrations, practical and surprise exercises.
No Classes Available
Juvenile Legal Issues for Law Enforcement Who Should Attend:
Officers assigned to investigate juvenile delinquency cases, or involved in juvenile court delinquency proceedings, and street officers who regularly encounter juveniles.

Course Objectives:
The student will be able to:
- List the ages of 1) a juvenile; 2) a juvenile delinquent; and, 3) a juvenile who may be transferred to superior court.
- Describe the circumstances under which a law enforcement officer may take custody of a juvenile without a court order.
- List and explain the Constitutional rights that have been afforded juveniles.
- Explain juvenile Miranda warnings that must be given for juveniles less than 16 years of age and for juveniles between the ages of  16 and 18.
- Define the meaning of "custody" for juvenile interrogation purposes under Miranda.
- Discuss a juvenile's consent to search and any limitations of that consent.
- Explain the options of a law enforcement officer once she takes a juvenile into custody.
- List the factors that the court must consider in deciding whether to secure or release a juvenile after he is taken into custody.
- List the notifications that a law enforcement officer must make after taking a juvenile into custody.
- Explain how an officer obtains a Nontestimonial Order.

This course employs lecture, class discussion and an intensive review of appellate court cases illustrating the points made throughout the course.
No Classes Available
K-9 Legal Issues Who Should Attend:
Officers assigned to canine units, their supervisors, and any other officers involved in the operation of a canine unit.

Course Goal:
This course will instruct canine officers, their supervisors, and others involved in the operation of a canine unit in the following areas: how the use of a canine and the traditional Fourth Amendment concepts of search and seizure, reasonable suspicion, and probable cause interact; the factors that determine canine reliability in the eyes of the courts; civil liability in the context of canine use by law enforcement; and what constitutes injury to a canine under North Carolina law. This course is not limited to issues affecting drug-detection canines. The legal issues surrounding the use of tracking and apprehension canines, accelerant and bomb detection canines and cadaver canines are also discussed. The course primarily uses in-depth discussion of statutory and appellate case law to instruct students on different legal topics, however, it also includes a mock trial component.

Course Objectives:
By the end of instruction, the student will be able to:
-Explain the circumstances in which a K-9 sniff is not a “search” under the Fourth Amendment.

-List the factors courts consider in determining whether reasonable suspicion to conduct an investigatory stop exists.

-Explain the legal methods in which a traffic stop may be extended beyond the scope of the original purpose of the stop.

-List the factors a court considers when determining whether reasonable suspicion exists to extend a traffic stop beyond the scope of the original purpose of the stop.

-Define “consent to search” and discuss any limitations on that consent.

-Describe the conditions under which a drug K-9 can be used at a checkpoint.

-Describe the way a drug K-9 may be used to sniff at a school or on a bus.

-Examine the factors that the courts look to when deciding the admissibility of evidence that a K-9 identified a person in a tracking case.

-List and explain the role that training and certification of a K-9 plays when the courts determine the reliability of a dog sniff and alert as evidence.

-List five things an officer should do while testifying in court.

-Compare and contrast the criminal and civil systems of justice.

-List the theories of civil liability most commonly asserted under Section 1983.

-Explain the factors the courts use in deciding use of force claims in K-9 cases.

-Discuss at least five preventive measures that a law enforcement agency can implement in order to reduce exposure to civil liability.

-Describe when a currency seizure is legal using a K-9.

-Define what constitutes an injury to a K-9 animal under North Carolina law.

This course employs lecture, class discussion, an intensive review of appellate court cases illustrating specific topics, and a practical exercise involving testimony. Canine officers are not required to bring their canines.
12/17/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 12/17/2025 - 12/18/2025
6/30/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 06/30/2025 - 07/01/2025
3/11/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 03/11/2025 - 03/12/2025
2/10/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 02/10/2025 - 02/11/2025
12/2/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 12/02/2025 - 12/03/2025
Laws Governing Concealed Handgun and the Use of Deadly Force Who Should Attend
Citizens who wish to instruct the mandatory firearms training class for persons applying for a North Carolina Concealed Handgun Permit.

Course Goal
To provide the knowledge and skills necessary to instruct a firearms training class for persons applying for a North Carolina Concealed Handgun Permit, in accordance with the requirements of the North Carolina Administrative Code.

Course Objectives
The student will be able to:
- Conduct an approved firearms qualification course for North Carolina Concealed Handgun Permit applicants.
- Train students in the nomenclature, fundamentals of shooting, maintenance cleaning and inspection of a handgun.
- Train students in the law of deadly force in North Carolina, including specific examples of when deadly force is and is not allowed.
- Train students in the legal requirements related to the carrying of a concealed handgun with a North Carolina Concealed Handgun Permit.
No Classes Available
Leadership Development for Law Enforcement Managers Course Objectives
- List and explain the qualities of an effective leader.
- Describe the concepts of ethical leadership, credible leadership and servant leadership.
- Recognize and describe the behaviors of non-leadership.
- List and explain the “Laws of Leadership.”
- Describe the practices of effective leaders.
- Explain the method and importance of being able to successfully manage change in organizations.
- Describe the use of mission statements and core values in directing the behavior of individual officers.
- Recognize and describe the difference in leadership theory as opposed to traditional management.  
- Describe the concept of principle-based leadership.  
- List and describe the strategies that can take an organization from average to excellence.  
- List and explain the effective steps of team building.  
- Recognize and describe the concept of Emotional Intelligence.
- Demonstrate and understand the importance of effective communication, successful conflict resolution and handling mistakes made.
- Define and describe the importance of setting measurable goals.

Who Should Attend
Law enforcement managers and first-line supervisors who are responsible for directing and managing law enforcement personnel in their daily activities.
10/28/2024 Salemburg (Previously 10/7/2024) NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 10/28/2024 - 11/01/2024
LIDAR Instructor Recertification Who Should Attend:
LIDAR instructors seeking recertification under NCAC 9B.0239.  Individuals must have successfully completed the RADAR Instructor Recertification course prior to entering LIDAR Instructor Recertification.

Course Goal:
To improve the effectiveness or speed enforcement through the proper and efficient use of LIDAR speed measurement instruments.  To maintain and enhance the knowledge and skills necessary to instruct the LIDAR Operating Training Course.

Course Objectives:
The student will be able to:
- Demonstrate basic skills in testing and operating specific LIDAR instruments in accordance with criteria specified on a standardized performance evaluation form.
- Identify specific LIDAR instruments and describe their major components and features.
- Identify laws, court rulings, regulations, policies, and procedures affecting LIDAR speed measurement and speed enforcement.
- Teach students in the performance of the objectives listed above.

10/9/2024 (Salemburg) NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 10/09/2024 - 10/10/2024
11/19/2025 Salemburg 11/19/2025 - 11/20/2025
10/8/2025 (Salemburg) 10/08/2025 - 10/09/2025
6/11/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 06/11/2025 - 06/12/2025
9/10/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 09/10/2025 - 09/11/2025
NC Association for Property and Evidence Conference Who Should Attend:
Anyone who is involved in the property and evidence management profession or persons who supervise personnel involved in property and evidence management. Personnel who are employed by a law enforcement agency (sworn or non-sworn) or any other agency or entity that is responsible for collecting, storing, maintaining, and destroying property and evidence that is involved in the criminal justice system.

Course Goals:  
Provide conference attendees with information, techniques and presentations which contribute to the best practices for managing property and evidence. The North Carolina Association of Property and Evidence plans for a Spring and Fall Conference each year. When those dates and locations are determined by the NCAPE leadership each year, the details are published on their website:

Course Objectives:
Conference attendees may see the presentations and training program as it is published at:

Course Requirements:
Attendees must register through the North Carolina Justice Academy and then submit payment to the North Carolina Association for Property and Evidence.  

Methodologies:  Seminar
No Classes Available
NC Association of School Resource Officers Conference The North Carolina Association of School Resource Officers will hold its annual conference  at Cherokee Resort in Cherokee, NC.

This first-rate training utilizes nationally renowned instructors who bring second-to-none training for school resource officers.
No Classes Available
NC D.A.R.E. In Service Training Conference Who Should Attend:  
Law enforcement officers, D.A.R.E. officers, school resource officers, etc., who are tasked juvenile and community responsibilities. D.A.R.E. in-service training provides experts who present on current trends seen in school settings and how these relate to law enforcement.

Course Goal:
To provide attendees an opportunity to exchange information relative to school and community related tasks. Additionally, we aim to provide quality instruction related to officer safety, classroom management, D.A.R.E. curriculum, community interaction, and related topics.

Course Objectives:
1.  To provide up to date law enforcement and educational training to D.A.R.E. Officers. By the end of D.A.R.E. In-Service training, officers will be able to score 75% or higher on a written test evaluating their understanding of curriculum presented during training.
2.  To provide opportunities for D.A.R.E. Officers to link their programs and become better informed about programs across the state. By the end of D.A.R.E. In-Service training, officers will have spoken with other agencies and created 3 new ideas to benefit their D.A.R.E. programs.
3.  To provide various supplies to D.A.R.E. Officers to lessen the burden of their agencies. By the end of D.A.R.E. In-Service training, every officer in attendance will receive D.A.R.E. supplies (books, pencils, stickers, etc…) they can use during their instruction time.

This course employs lecture, discussion and other exercises.
No Classes Available
NC Homicide Investigators Association - Conference - Who Should Attend
Investigators, crime scene technicians, district attorneys, and others charged with the investigation of deaths.

Course Goal
> To provide homicide investigators an opportunity to exchange information relative to homicide investigations and assist other Investigators with unsolved cases.
> Establish a depository for information relating to current and unsolved homicides within,the State of North Carolina and the dissemination of such information through regular group meetings and publications.
> To establish a network for other law enforcement agencies across the United States to access information.
> Through the training, communication, support and encouragement of the Association's membership, promote quality homicide investigations  within the State of North Carolina.

This course employs lecture and investigative case presentations.

Special Concerns
Refer to website for registration and hotel information. Participants will receive CICP credit for training hours attended.

No Classes Available
NC Human Trafficking Commission (NCHTC) Regional Symposium Who Should Attend:
Federal, State, and Local law enforcement officers in North Carolina

Course Goal:
The Symposium will:
-Provide training to service providers.
-Offer opportunities to discuss key issues, find solutions, and highlight emerging trends.
-Facilitate collaboration and building of partnerships among key stakeholders.
-Offer an opportunity for information sharing, identification, and discussion of issues of Human Trafficking in North Carolina among partners and stakeholders.
-Lay the groundwork for future collaboration, advocacy and program development.

Course Objectives:
-Increase their knowledge of the prevalence and typologies of human trafficking at the national and state level.
-Explore socio-economic factors and root causes that support and sustain human trafficking.
-Develop skills to enhance cross discipline cooperation between victim advocates, service providers and the criminal justice system.
-Address issues such as victim identification and learn about coordinated comprehensive community response.
-Learn within a framework of trauma informed inclusive services and ways service providers can advocate their experiences with law enforcement, criminal justice system and the child welfare system.
-Share successful human trafficking investigations and practical case examples on ways to build a case. Gain and refresh knowledge on state and federal laws and
-Gain and refresh knowledge on state and federal laws and offer innovative and sustainable ideas and solutions to improve successful outcomes.
-Identify reliable resources and protocols/practices for serving human trafficking and growing a support network for victims.
-Expand skills in gathering pertinent and relevant data to inform decision making from identification to investigation and prosecution of a case.
No Classes Available
OC Aerosol Instructor Certification This course is taught by staff from Combined Tactical Systems and is part of a 4-day instructor certification program. Applicants may elect to attend the complete 4-day program at a cost of $695.00, or attend the individual course(s) of their choice. Cost of each individual course is listed in the tuition/fee box for the specific course offering (see below).

Course includes both classroom and range exercises focusing on the history, nomenclature, applications, use of force consideration, training and legalities of less lethal munitions, as well as integrating less lethal munitions into current departmental methods.

No Classes Available
Officer Safety/Readiness Training Who Should Attend:

All law enforcement officers

Course Goals:

To provide the student with the tactics and options which will assist in the safe response to high risk situations.

Course Objectives:

The student will be able to demonstrate techniques to safely accomplish the following tasks:
- Tactical handcuffing and ground fighting.
- Utilize proper contact/cover tactical skills.  
- Safely conduct known risk vehicle stops.  
- Utilize skills developed to safely conduct building searches.  
- Respond to and safely defuse domestic violence calls.  


This course employs discussion, demonstration and practical exercises.

Course Requirements:

Attendance is required at all class sessions. Students will be required to successfully complete all practical exercises and instructor evaluations. Students will be given a final exam on the last day of class. All students must pass the final exam with a minimum score of 75%.
11/18/2024 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 11/18/2024 - 11/22/2024
6/16/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 06/16/2025 - 06/20/2025
3/24/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 03/24/2025 - 03/28/2025
10/20/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 10/20/2025 - 10/24/2025
Officer-Involved Domestic Violence Who Should Attend:
Law enforcement officers, investigators, and supervisors that respond to officer-involved domestic violence.

Course Goal:
This course examines the unique dynamics and the impact that officer-involved domestic violence has on the officer and it’s agency.  In addition, the course discusses various tactics used by perpetrators to control and manipulate their victims.  Policies and procedures are also discussed to emphasis early identification of warning signs of abuse and the need for training and prevention.

Course Objectives:
-          Educate officers about the dynamics of officer-involved domestic violence.
-          Discuss tactics used by officers to perpetrate domestic violence.
-          Discuss the impact officer-involved domestic violence has on the law enforcement agency.
-          Review the International Association Chiefs of Police model policy on domestic violence by police officers

No Classes Available
Photography Basics for Law Enforcement This is a web-based course that the students will take on their own time during the 2 weeks the course is open.  

Who Should Attend: Patrol Officers, Crime Scene Investigators, Detectives, Supervisors
Course Goal: Understand how to take a proper law enforcement photograph and have it accepted into the court system.  
Course Objectives: Topics Covered: aperture, shutter speed, ISO, the four key components of a proper law enforcement photograph, overall, midrange, and close-up photography, photography placards and scales, various environments, properly resize and share photographs through email or internet.
Methodologies: Online and Practical Exercises
Course Requirements: Pass the Exam and Practical Exercises
10/21/2024 Web-based 10/21/2024 - 11/04/2024
12/02/2024 Web Based Web 12/02/2024 - 12/16/2024
Police Law Institute - Police Law Institute Who Should Attend:
Investigators and law enforcement officers involved with enforcement activities associated with search warrants, warrantless searches, interviews, eyewitness identifications and nontestimonial identification orders. NO STUDENT WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR PARTIAL ENROLLMENT.

Course Goal
To provide the skills necessary to conduct enforcement activities associated with search warrants, warrantless searches, interviews, eyewitness identifications and nontestimonial identification orders.

Course Objectives:
The student will be able to:
- Draft a valid search warrant.
- Lawfully execute a search warrant.
- Lawfully conduct warrantless searches.
- Conduct interviews lawfully during an investigative detention or arrest situation.
- Apply noncustodial interview procedures to obtain lawful confessions.
- Conduct nontestimonial and eyewitness identification procedures in accordance with applicable law.
- Conduct a valid investigative stop and frisk and a lawful arrest, using proper basis, parameters and use of force.
- Identify the steps an officer may take to defend against a liability action.  

This course utilizes discussion, video scenarios, practical exercises, programmed texts, student readings and case studies.

9/30/2024 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 09/30/2024 - 10/11/2024
10/07/2024 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 10/07/2024 - 10/18/2024
8/18/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 08/18/2025 - 08/29/2025
1/6/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 01/06/2025 - 01/17/2025
1/27/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 01/27/2025 - 02/07/2025
4/21/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 04/21/2025 - 05/02/2025
10/27/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 10/27/2025 - 11/07/2025
9/8/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 09/08/2025 - 09/19/2025
3/31/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 03/31/2025 - 04/11/2025
6/2/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 06/02/2025 - 06/13/2025
Private Protective Services Firearms Instructor Prerequisites: Approval by PPS for enrollment.

Who Should Attend:
Individuals selected by Private Protective Services Board for enrollment in this course.

Course Description and Objectives:
Successful completion of this course is required for those who will teach firearms training for Private Protective Services. This course provides the skills necessary to instruct and "qualify" students for the Private Protective Services Board (PPSB) Armed Security Course.

At the end of this block of instruction, the student will be able to achieve the following objectives in accordance with information received during the instructional period:

1. Discuss the provisions of North Carolina General Statute 74C as it pertains to the armed security officer.

2. Describe in writing and demonstrate the proper methods for cleaning and inspecting the service handgun.

3. Demonstrate the ability to quickly but safely draw a handgun and/or "shoulder" a shotgun.

4. Attain a qualifying score of at least 90 percent accuracy on the approved courses of fire.

5. Demonstrate two methods of utilizing the flashlight while firing the handgun.

6. Describe in writing the difference between cover and concealment.

7. Describe in writing sight alignment and sight picture.

8. List the four functional tasks that the security officer must be able to perform under low light conditions.

9. Demonstrate how to combat load the shotgun.

10. Explain the color code system of “Mental Conditioning.”

11. Demonstrate how to safely secure a handgun.

12. Demonstrate how to safely conduct range qualification.

13. Render initial first-aid for medical emergencies on the range.

Course Requirements:
The student must be at least 21 years of age or older, a High School Graduate (or possess a GED), one (1) year or more supervisory experience in security industry, law enforcement or military service AND must be invited by the Private Protective Services Board (PPSB).

Prerequisite: Successful completion of the PPS Firearms Instructor Pre-Qualification course with at least a 90% proficiency score on the PPS course of fire (daytime and nighttime qualification).

No Classes Available
Private Protective Services Firearms Instructor Recertification Prerequisites: Approval by PPS for enrollment.

Who Should Attend:
Individuals selected by Private Protective Services Board for enrollment in this course.

Course Description and Objectives:
Successful completion of this course is required for those who will teach firearms training for Private Protective Services. This course provides the skills necessary to instruct and "qualify" students for the Private Protective Services Board (PPSB) Armed Security Course.

At the end of this block of instruction, the student will be able to achieve the following objectives in accordance with information received during the instructional period:

1. Discuss the provisions of North Carolina General Statute 74C as it pertains to the armed security officer.

2. Describe in writing and demonstrate the proper methods for cleaning and inspecting the service handgun.

3. Demonstrate the ability to quickly but safely draw a handgun and/or "shoulder" a shotgun.

4. Attain a qualifying score of at least 90 percent accuracy on the approved courses of fire.

5. Demonstrate two methods of utilizing the flashlight while firing the handgun.

6. Describe in writing the difference between cover and concealment.

7. Describe in writing sight alignment and sight picture.

8. List the four functional tasks that the security officer must be able to perform under low light conditions.

9. Demonstrate how to combat load the shotgun.

10. Explain the color code system of “Mental Conditioning.”

11. Demonstrate how to safely secure a handgun.

12. Demonstrate how to safely conduct range qualification.

13. Render initial first-aid for medical emergencies on the range.

Course Requirements:
The student must be at least 21 years of age or older, a High School Graduate (or possess a GED), one (1) year or more supervisory experience in security industry, law enforcement or military service AND must be invited by the Private Protective Services Board (PPSB).

Prerequisite: Successful completion of the PPS Firearms Instructor Pre-Qualification course with at least a 90% proficiency score on the PPS course of fire (daytime and nighttime qualification).

No Classes Available
Profiling the Crime Scene Who Should Attend
Law enforcement officers (patrol, Investigators, crime scene personnel) prosecutors, supervisors, who would be called upon to assess, investigate and manage criminal investigations.

Course Goals
Instructed by Michael Prodan, Captain (SAC) of the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division, Behavioral Science Unit, this course is an Introduction to the technique of criminal investigative analysis (profiling) as it applies to death investigations. Included Is a brief history of the technique and the so-called differences between inductive, deductive and the Investigative psychology of criminal profiling. The course focuses on the various motives for murder and how identifying the motive as displayed in the crime will reduce the size of the suspect pool. Also Included Is how the behavior exhibited by the offender at the scene can be used to determine what kind, if any, defense the offender may claim, such as self-defense, not guilty by reason of insanity, or guilty but mentally ill.
The students will review various crime scenes and autopsy photographs, lab reports and background Information of each victim and offer an analysis regarding the sequence of events, motive and any possible defenses.

Course Objectives
> The history and use of profiling in homicide/death investigations.
>  Identify the behaviors of the offender based upon crime scene indicators.
>  Recognize the elements in staging in homicide
>   Recognize the differences in mental health mitigation and not guilty by Insanity defenses In homicide.
>  Identify how motive is displayed in homicide/death scenes.

This course will employ lecture, discussion and conference methods.

Attendance is required at all class sessions.

Special Concerns
Class will begin at 8:00 AM. Checks should be made payable to Michael Prodan and mailed to: 233 Bradley Drive, West Columbia, SC 29170. Payment should reach Mr. Prodan no later than one week before class starts. Phone: 803-996-4636. Refunds will be given to any person who cancels 30 days prior to the course. Credit for future course attendance will be extended for cancellations less than 30 days prior to the course.


No Classes Available
Property and Evidence Room Management This course consists of One (1) day in the classroom and then an independent site visit within two (2) weeks.

Who Should Attend
Law enforcement officers and civilians charged with the responsibility of operation, supervision or management of property and evidence rooms.

Course Goals
To provide the student with a comprehensive overview of the legal and practical aspects of the handling, storage, maintenance and disposal of law enforcement held property and evidence.

Course Objectives
The student will be able to:
• Identify staffing considerations for the property and evidence section.
• Identify seven provisions which contribute to an effective property and evidence management policy.
• Explain how property room design contributes to effective workflow and security.
• Describe construction features which must be considered when establishing a property and evidence room.
• Compare and contrast the objectives of temporary and long-term storage.
• After reviewing evidence storage techniques, list the two ultimate goals of those techniques.
• Explain how agency practices and technology contribute to property and evidence room security.
• As it applies to evidence tracking and accountability, compare the essential features of paper based and computer based systems.
• Differentiate between an audit and inventory.
• Identify the different disposition and purging techniques.

The course employs lecture and site visit.  One day in Class and then an Independent Agency Tour.

No Classes Available
RADAR Instructor Recertification Who Should Attend:
Radar instructors seeking recertification under NCAC 9B.0218.

Course Goal:
To maintain and enhance the skills necessary to instruct the RADAR Operator course.

Course Objectives:
The student will be able to:
- Demonstrate basic skills in testing and operating specific RADAR instruments
- Identify specific RADAR instruments and describe their major components and features.
- Identify laws, court rulings, regulations, policies and procedures affecting RADAR speed measurement and speed enforcement.
- Teach students in the performance of the objectives listed above.
10/7/2024 (Salemburg) NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 10/07/2024 - 10/09/2024
11/17/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 11/17/2025 - 11/19/2025
9/8/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 09/08/2025 - 09/10/2025
6/9/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 06/09/2025 - 06/11/2025
10/6/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 10/06/2025 - 10/08/2025
RADAR Instructor Training Who Should Attend:
Officers designated to become RADAR instructors for their departments. Individuals must possess criminal justice instructor certification, receive a recommendation from a certified school director or agency head, and possess a current and valid RADAR operator certification. Applicants must be certified in all approved modes of operation, features and configurations.

Course Objectives:
The student will be able to:
- Describe the association between excessive speed and accidents, death, and injuries, and describe the safety benefits of effective speed regulation.
- Describe the basic principles of RADAR speed measurements.
- Acquire and demonstrate basic skills in testing and operating specific RADAR instruments.
- Identify specific RADAR instruments and describe their major components and features.
- Identify laws, court rulings, regulations, policies, and procedures affecting RADAR speed measurement and speed enforcement.
- Acquire and demonstrate basic skills in preparing and presenting records and testimony relating to RADAR speed measurement and enforcement.
- Teach students in the performance of the objectives listed above.
1/27/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 01/27/2025 - 02/07/2025
Robbery Response Tactics (Web-Based) Who Should Register
All law enforcement officers.

Course Goal
To present to the student effective methods and tactics of responding to various robbery-in-progress calls.

Course Objectives
The student will be able to achieve the following objectives in accordance with the information received during this course of instruction:

>    List two principal distinguishing characteristics of a robbery.
> Correctly identify and describe the five types of robberies.
> Define invisible deployment.
> List the proper verbal commands that an officer should give to control a suspect or institution employee.
>-   Correctly list and describe the two types of perimeters at a robbery scene.
> Demonstrate the ability to diagram a possible robbery location indicating officer approaches and inner perimeter security placement.
>-   Conduct a security assessment at a financial institution within the officer's jurisdiction utilizing a security assessment checklist.

This training will be conducted as web-based training.
8/25/2025 Web-based Web Based 08/25/2025 - 09/22/2025
7/18/2025 Web-based Web Based 07/18/2025 - 08/14/2025
6/23/2025 Web-based Web Based 06/23/2025 - 07/21/2025
5/12/2025 Web-Based Web Based 05/12/2025 - 06/09/2025
School Resource Officer Ethics (Web-Based) Prerequisite:  School Resource Officer Training

Who Should Register:
All certified law enforcement officers who are currently assigned or will be assigned as a School Resource Officer.

Course Goal:
The purpose of this course is to provide School Resource Officers with insights into their own definition of ethics and the awareness of consequences when making ethical decisions.

Course Objectives
The Student will be able to:
-Identify their personal definition of "Ethics" as it relates to School Resource Officers.
-Identify ethical problem situations for School Resource Officers.
-Read four articles about law enforcement ethics.
-Write four short essays referring to the assigned articles.
-Evaluate ethical scenarios and provide an opinion.

Instruction online using a Google platform.

Participants must be familiar with online course delivery and comfortable with email, internet usage and word processing software.  
11/25/2024 Web-Based Web-Based 11/25/2024 - 12/27/2024
7/1/2025 Web-Based Web Based 07/01/2025 - 07/31/2025
11/1/2025 Web-Based Web Based 11/01/2025 - 11/30/2025
2/1/2025 Web-Based Web Based 02/01/2025 - 02/28/2025
School Resource Officer Training Who Should Attend:
All certified law enforcement officers who are currently assigned or will be assigned as a School Resource Officer.

Course Goal:
To provide the participant with the history, philosophy and basic skills necessary to serve as a School Resource Officer.  Participants will receive instruction in school-based law, ways to handle exceptional students, and classroom instruction techniques.  

Course Objectives:
1.  Define “School Resource Officer” and discuss the history and concepts associated with the School Resource Officer program.

2.  Identify and analyze legal concepts applicable to the authority of the SRO in investigating crimes.

3.  Discuss the aspects of the educational system including techniques to correctly address students in a classroom setting.

4.  Define the term “gang” and identify methods to reduce gang-related activity.

5.  Recognize and compare disabilities covered under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

6.  Identify risk factors and warning signs of a variety of mental health challenges common among juvenile.

7.  Demonstrate the ability to respond and engage in various role-play exercises properly.

8. Discuss strategies available to reduce the risk of violence and crime on school campuses including response to critical incidents.

9. Prepare and present a presentation designed for grade school students in a practical exercise.

This course employs discussion, demonstration, lecture and practical exercises.
10/21/2024 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 10/21/2024 - 10/25/2024
12/9/2024 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 12/09/2024 - 12/13/2024
8/4/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 08/04/2025 - 08/08/2025
7/21/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 07/21/2025 - 07/25/2025
1/6/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 01/06/2025 - 01/10/2025
12/8/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 12/08/2025 - 12/12/2025
Social Media and Drug Investigations Who Should Attend:
Drug Investigators, Gang Investigators, Detectives, Patrol Officers, Supervisors, Task Force Officers

Course Description and Objectives:
This course will train officers to investigate illegal activity conducted on the internet through the use of social media such as Facebook, MySpace, Craigslist, Backpage and more.

This course consists of techniques to train officers to gather information and valuable intelligence on gang members and drug suspects through the internet. Students will learn to use covert accounts to build cases involving, but not limited to illicit drugs, narco-terrorism, bulk cash, human trafficking, child molestation, terrorism and illegal weapons.

Course Objectives:
•Intro to Social Networking and Media
•Psychology of social networking users
•Criminals and social media
•Using YouTube to your advantage
•Active social media investigations techniques
•Setting up your own covert undercover accounts
•Maintaining covert accounts

No Classes Available
Solo Active Shooter Response Conditioning for Law Enforcement/School Resource Officer Who Should Attend:

Any officer who may be tasked with responding to an active shooter situation and particularly officers who are assigned as School Resource Officers.  SRO's are usually already present at a school and capable to defend innocent lives.  Rural officers may not have backup available in a reasonable time to form an Active Shooter contact team so may need to alone.  Active Shooter events are dynamic and usually over quickly; therefore, solo response may be the best option to stop the rapid mass murder of innocent parties.

Course Goal:

To introduce the School Resource Officer (SRO) or line officer to characteristics of mental and tactical preparation helpful to successfully mitigate an Active Shooter situation as a solo unit.

Course Objectives:

The student will be able to:

- Identify and demonstrate the concepts of tactical thinking and performance as it pertains to School Resource Officers or first-responders to active shooter situations.
- Develop firearm skills and proficiency needed when encountering an active shooter event.
- Build tactical proficiency by using stress inoculation in scenario-based training.


This course will employ lecture, conference and practical exercises.  This course compromises  traditional classroom delivery and extensive practical exercises.  This training is challenging based on practical exercises designed to induce stress and allow the officer to successfully learn methods to neutralize an active shooter. This course does include one day of force-on-force scenarios.

Course Requirements:

Students must successfully pass all written and practical exercises.  Seventy five percent is the passing score on the written exam.  All practical exercises are pass or fail with the opportunity for remediation for failures.

Special Concerns:
Students must provide the following equipment:
- Assigned duty gear including handgun, soft body armor protective vest, duty belt ,four(4) handgun magazines, flashlight, and handcuffs with key.
- Approx. Two hundred (200) rounds of handgun ammunition and two hundred (200) rounds of long gun ammunition.
- Hat, ear protection, and eye protection.
- Gloves and a long sleeve shirt for scenario practicals.

Range exercises may be outdoors in unpredictable weather, so officers must prepare as they would when working their duty shift. Bring inclement weather gear; rain clothing, cold weather gear, gloves, and head protection.  Simunitions® FX based training will require special protective gear which will be provided by the Academy.  Groin protector for both male and female officers is mandatory.  Standard (baseball/softball) protector may be used if provided by officer.
6/4/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 06/04/2025 - 06/06/2025
4/2/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 04/02/2025 - 04/04/2025
11/18/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 11/18/2025 - 11/20/2025
Sovereign Citizens Who Should Attend:

All law enforcement officers, investigators and related personnel who may prevent or respond to a domestic terrorist act.

Course Goal:

To provide the student a thorough understanding of sovereign theories and the underlying histories. Students will also become aware of common language, symbols, and groups associated with sovereign citizens.

Course Objectives:

At the end of this course, the student will be able to:
. Define the term “sovereign citizen’”
. List two areas of common ground present between sovereign citizens and the class;
. List the history of the sovereign citizen movement and the two general categories of sovereign citizen groups;
. Define and list the four philosophies common to the sovereign groups who believe the United States to be a corporation and their interpretation of the 14th Amendment;
. List symbols, writings and general characteristics used by sovereign citizens both in their verbal tactics and their writings;
. Define the gold standard and mission of the US Federal Reserve;
. List the six most active sovereign citizen groups in North Carolina and incidents of violence involving sovereign citizens which  have occurred since 2010;
. Define paper terrorism and give examples of each;
. List the steps of the redemption process; and,
. Describe the sovereign and mainstream view of House Joint Resolution 192.


This course will employ lecture, discussion and analysis.  The course will have extensive use of video clips, videos and PowerPoint slides.
No Classes Available
Specialized Driver Instructor Training Qualification NOTE: You do not secure a slot in this course until all required paperwork has been submitted and approved, once this approval happens, you will be notified that you have been enrolled in the course.


Who Should Attend: Successful completion of this course is required for all instructors planning to attend Specialized Driver Instructor Training.  The testing required within this course replaces the testing which, in the past, has been done on the first day of the Specialized Driver Instructor Training.  Therefore, this course is an extension of Specialized Driver Instructor Training.  In order to enroll in the prequalification course, instructors must meet and submit all prerequisite paperwork as required to attend Specialized Driver Instructor Training.

Instructors who will instruct driving in Basic Law Enforcement Training (BLET).  Prior to entering the Specialized Driver Instructor Course, each applicant shall:
-have completed the criminal justice general instructor training course and be currently certified as a General Instructor or Probationary General Instructor by the Commission;
-present a written endorsement by either (A) a certified school director indicating the student will be utilized to instruct driving in Basic Law Enforcement Training Courses or (B) a department head, certified school director, or in-service training coordinator, indicating the student will be utilized to instruct driver training in the "Law Enforcement Officer's Annual In-Service Training Program'; and
-possess a valid operator driver's license;
-maintain a safe driving record where no more than four points have been assigned against the driving record within  the past three years; a driving history must be submitted on the student to establish meeting this requirement- a DCI printout cannot be accepted.  Students must present a driver history statement from the State Division of Motor Vehicles dated within 120 days of the beginning date of the course/prequal.

Course Requirements
The student will be required to demonstrate proficiency in driving the seven Basic Law Enforcement Training (BLET) driving course exercises attaining a minimum score of 85% on two out of three attempts on the Off-set Lane Maneuver, Serpentine and Precision Exercises during daylight; 85% on two out of three attempts on the Precision Exercise during nighttime; 85% on two five-minute attempts on the Emergency Response and Pursuit Exercises, one daytime, one nighttime, a passing score on two out of three attempts on all phases of the Fixed Radius Curve and Evasive Action Exercises.
3/25/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 03/25/2025 - 03/25/2025
Specialized Explosives and Hazardous Materials Instructor Training Who Should Attend
Officers designated to become Explosives and Hazardous Materials instructors for their agency.

Course Goal
To provide the knowledge and skills necessary to instruct the BLET Explosives and Hazardous Materials Emergencies, DOCC Fire Emergencies, and In-Service training blocks.

Course Objectives
The student will be able to:
> Demonstrate the specialized competencies necessary to instruct in the area of explosives and hazardous materials emergencies.
> Demonstrate knowledge of the history, designs, and definition of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) and their potential targets.
> Identify types and components of IEDs.
> Identify different varieties of packaged-type IEDs and
secondary devices.
> Identify the goals, reasons, and means of suicide/ homicide bombers.
> Identify the several varieties of IEDs (VBIEDs) and warning signs of possible VBIEDs.
> Identify how each type of IED can be radio-controlled, how to recognize a radio-controlled IED (RCIED), and what to do when encountering an RCIED.
> Identify what actions need to be taken and how to respond to secondary devices, along with escape routes and communications.

Lectures, conferences, demonstrations, and practical exercises will be employed.

Course Requirements
Attendance is required at all class sessions.  

After the last day of class, students will be invited to attain a Commission-administered final written examination to be eligible for certification as a specialized instructor by the Commission. Testing may be off-site on Friday. If you fail the Commission exam, you must retake the course.

> Copy of your Criminal Justice Instructor Certification from the State of North Carolina (Full or Probationary) (Even if there is an expiration date and it cannot be from another state or a certificate of completion from a community college) (Must complete the one-hour update during the application year to stay current)
> Completed NCJA written endorsement to attend Specialized Instructor or SMI Training form
> Copy of a fit test for your Gas Mask (Most Fire Departments will provide you with a printout)
> Completed OSHA Questionnaire (This is not a physical exam) (must be signed by a medical professional) (7 Pages)

Agency Limit = 3
09/29/2025 (Edneyville) NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 09/29/2025 - 10/10/2025
2/24/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 02/24/2025 - 03/07/2025
Specialized Firearms Instructor Training Qualification Who Should Attend:
NOTE: You do not secure a slot in this course until all required paperwork is submitted and approved, once this approval occurs, you will be notified that you have been enrolled in the course. THE WRITTEN ENDORSEMENT FORM LINK CAN BE FOUND AT THE BOTTOM OF THE COURSE DESCRIPTION.  

Successful completion of this course is required for all instructors wanting to attend Specialized Firearms Instructor Training.    In order to enroll in this prequalification course, instructors must meet and submit all prerequisite paperwork as required to attend Specialized Firearms Instructor Training. Prospective students must submit a copy of their valid instructor certification issued by the NC Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Division. PRIORITY WILL BE GIVEN TO SWORN LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES AND CERTIFIED BLET PROGRAMS.  ALL OTHERS WILL BE PLACED AFTER THESE STUDENTS.

MASTER LIST - Request for Enrollment in 2024 Offerings 01/01/2024 - 12/31/2024
Specialized Physical Fitness Instructor Training Prequalification NOTE: You do not secure a slot in this course until all required paperwork has been submitted and approved, once this approval happens, you will be notified that you have been enrolled in the course.
Who Should Attend: Successful completion of this course is required for all instructors planning to attend Specialized Physical Fitness Instructor Training. The testing required within this course replaces the testing which, in the past, has been done on the first day of the Specialized Physical Fitness Instructor Training course. Therefore, this course is an extension of Specialized Physical Fitness Instructor Training. In order to enroll in this prequalification course, instructors must submit the Written Endorsement to Attend Specialized Instructor Training letter, a copy of the student’s Instructor certification (valid through the course date) from Training and Standards, and a PT medical form dated within a year of the class date.
MASTER LIST - Request for Enrollment in 2024 Offerings 01/01/2024 - 12/31/2024
Specialized Subject Control/Arrest Techniques Instructor Training Prequalification NOTE: You do not secure a slot in this course until all required paperwork has been submitted and approved, once this approval happens, you will be notified that you have been enrolled in the course.
Who Should Attend: Successful completion of this course is required for all instructors planning to attend Specialized Subject Control/Arrest Techniques Instructor Training. The testing required within this course replaces the testing which, in the past, has been done on the first day of the Specialized Subject Control/Arrest Techniques Instructor Training. In order to enroll in this prequalification course, instructors must submit the Written Endorsement to Attend Specialized Instructor Training letter, a copy of the student’s Instructor certification (valid through the course date) from Training and Standards, and a SCAT medical form dated within a year of the class date.

Course Requirements
The student will be required to demonstrate proficiency in the techniques in the Basic Law Enforcement Training (BLET) Subject Control/Arrest Techniques and the Detention Officer Certification (DOCC) Subject Control Techniques lesson plans. Additionally, a physical assessment will be administered and students must be able to meet 60th percentile overall for their age and gender.

If you have any questions regarding this course, please contact Ms. Supko.
MASTER LIST - Request for Enrollment in 2024 Offerings 01/01/2024 - 12/31/2024
Stalking and Stalking Behaviors Who Should Attend:

Law enforcement officers, prosecutive investigators, medical examiner investigators and crime technicians with the responsibility of conducting an investigation and the prosecution of the crime of stalking.

Course Goals:

To provide the knowledge and skills necessary to thoroughly and successfully investigate, process and prosecute a stalking related crime.

Course Topics:

• Stalking defined
• Victims of stalking
• Profile of a stalker
• General characteristics of stalkers
• Relationship to victim
• Association of threats to violence
• Risk factors for threats to be carried out
• Motivation for stalking
• Stalker typologies
• Non-domestic stalkers vs. domestic stalkers
• Case management


This course will employs lecture, conference and practical exercises.

Course Requirements:

Attendance of 100% is required at all class sessions.
Class will begin at 8:00 am unless otherwise directed by the instructor.


Checks should be made payable to: Mike Prodan and mailed to 233 Bradley Drive, West Columbia, SC 29170. Payment should reach Mr. Prodan no later than one week before class starts. Phone: 803-996-4636.
Fee - $100.00

No Classes Available
Suicide Investigation Who Should Attend:
Investigators, Crime Scene Technicians and Medical Examiners.

Course Objectives:
Given a suicide scenario, the student will be able to:
- Define suicide and suicide related terms.    
-Using the most recent data available, identify current suicide statistics.
-Identify various reasons why people commit suicide.
-Explain the different aspects of the biological, psychological, and sociological perspectives of suicide.
-Discuss proper scene processing and evaluation techniques.
-Discover assisted suicide and right to die organizations methodology in support of suicide.
-Identify the most common methods of suicide.
-Identify the information needed on the background of the deceased in order to successfully investigate a suspected suicide.

10/29/2024 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 10/29/2024 - 10/30/2024
12/9/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 12/09/2025 - 12/10/2025
6/17/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 06/17/2025 - 06/18/2025
8/12/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 08/12/2025 - 08/13/2025
2/11/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 02/11/2025 - 02/12/2025
10/7/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 10/07/2025 - 10/08/2025
4/8/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 04/08/2025 - 04/09/2025
SWAT Operator Prerequisites:
The student must meet the following prerequisites: currently certified as a law enforcement officer or active member of the U.S. Armed Forces and actively assigned to a SWAT team. Student must provide a letter from the Agency, stating that they qualify and meet the prerequisites. This letter must be attached to their enrollment request and must be on employing agency’s letterhead.

Who Should Attend:  
This course is exclusively designed for law enforcement officers assigned to a Special Weapons and Tactics Team. The course design makes it applicable to both new and veteran operators seeking a structured week of training.

Course Goals:  
To expose the student to basic individual skills and fundamentals of working as part of a team during the deployment of a SWAT related operation.  

Course Objectives:  
The student will be able to:
- Discuss the basic structure of a SWAT team and distinguish between the responsibilities of each team member/position.
- Discuss the types and purpose of basic and specialized equipment as they relate to the individual and team.
-Discuss terminology used in tactical operations.
-Safely demonstrate the ability to manipulate and operate both primary and secondary weapon systems in a tactical manner during training exercises on the firing range.
-Discuss breaching methods and techniques and demonstrate the ability to breach a door in a tactical setting.
-In a tactical setting, perform a series of slow and deliberate entry/search techniques as they relate to barricaded subjects and high risk warrant incidents.
-In a tactical setting, perform a series of dynamic entry techniques as they relate to hostage rescue or time sensitive operations.
-Discuss legal issues that apply to tactical operations involving SWAT teams.

This course employs lecture, discussion, demonstrations and practical exercises.
10/21/2024 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 10/21/2024 - 10/25/2024
2/3/2025 Hosted by Brunswick Co SO Brusnwick CO Training Facility 02/03/2025 - 02/07/2025
2/24/2025 JCCC (NCALE Only) Johnston Community College 02/24/2025 - 02/28/2025
4/7/2025 McDowell Tech CC McDowell Technical Community College 04/07/2025 - 04/11/2025
11/3/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 11/03/2025 - 11/07/2025
9/8/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 09/08/2025 - 09/12/2025
SWAT Operator II Prerequisite:
Student must have attended SWAT Operator I at the NCJA within three years of attendance.

Who Should Attend:
This course complements the NCJA SWAT Operator course and provides operators with additional options in regards to crisis resolution. Students must have completed the NCJA SWAT Operator course or other approved basic level SWAT course.

Course Goal:
To expose the student to some of the methods and strategies used to resolve  critical situations that otherwise pose a risk to the community, citizens and law enforcement.

Course Objectives:
The student will be able to:
- Discuss Tactical Emergency Casualty Care and perform basic casualty care procedures.
-Perform Small Unit Tactics and conduct live fire drills as they relate to woodland operations.
-Perform a series of shooting drills with the primary and secondary weapon systems as they relate to tactical operations.
-Identify the components of operational planning.
-Perform a series of force on force tactical operations as they relate to hostage rescue scenarios and high risk warrant/barricaded subject scenarios.
-Discuss tactical operations in a chemical munitions environment and conduct live fire drills while donning a gas mask.
-Perform a vehicle assault and linear assault in a tactical setting.
-Plan and execute a pre-rehearsed plan as part of mock callout during an FTX.

This course employs lecture, discussion, demonstrations and practical exercises.

No Classes Available
Synthetic Opioid / Fentanyl Processing - Synthetic Opioid / Fentanyl Processing Who Should Attend:
Sworn law enforcement officers.

Course Description and Objectives:
This course is designed to combat the emerging synthetic opioid threat while focusing on the hazards associated with contact of these dangerous substances.  This course will certify the student in the safe processing and transportation of synthetic opioids such as fentanyl.

Objectives Covered: To Identify and Recognize:

1. Identify the most updated list of Synthetic Opioids, to include fentanyl and fentanyl analogs and their dangers;

2. Recognize opioid users and why they overdose on these dangerous drugs;

3. Recognize fentanyl tablets, capsules, powders and other forms of synthetic opioids.

4. Recognize synthetic opioid labs, including all paraphernalia; and, safely process all suspected drugs as evidence and safely dismantle all equipment.

5. Employ proper safety equipment and protocols needed to search, seize and properly submit for evidence of all synthetic opioids, while avoiding exposure to potential life threatening substances.

6. Recognize and safely confront subjects using synthetic opioid;

7. Recognize and respond to any law enforcement accidental or other exposure to synthetic opioids and properly deploy naloxone on another officer.

This vendor course is being provided through the Regional Counterdrug Training Academy (RCTA) out of NAS Meridian, Mississippi.
No Classes Available
T.R.R.U.T.H. Who Should Attend:
This course is intended for sworn and non-sworn personnel who will be actively engaged in community-relations initiatives within their agency. While much of the course content focuses on the delivery of police service by sworn officers, all departmental personnel responsible for dealing with the public can benefit from this course.

Course Goal:
This course will provide law enforcement officers and other personnel with the necessary psycho-social skills needed to effectively mitigate conflicts and build trust with ethnic minorities.

Course Objectives:
- Understand how cultural biases play a role in policing.
- Identify the impact of racial profiling.
-      Explain the differences between stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination.
- Understand the Seven Social Processes that lead to Lucifer Effect.
- Understand Kant’s ethical theories of hypothetical and categorical imperatives.
- Identify methods of building trust and meaningful relationships with minority populations.
-      Explain the concept of police legitimacy and procedural justice.
-      Identify ways to increase perceptions of police fairness, legitimacy, and effectiveness.
- Understand the Five Factors that affect citizen’s attitudes toward the police.
- Discuss the barriers to good police-community relations.
- Understand the significance of using de-escalation techniques.

This course employs lecture, class discussion, demonstration and practice.

No Classes Available
Tactical Leadership: Critical Lessons Learned Who Should Attend
This course is designed for both tactically and non-tactically trained law enforcement officers aspiring to develop their leadership and response skills in crisis situations.  Credits for this course apply to the Tactical Training Certificate Program (TTCP).

Course Goal
To provide the student with the technical and cognitive skills needed to provide effective leadership within the context of a critical incident.  The course structure involves the de-escalation of a scene and the management of an incident that has progressed into a critical incident situation. The course strives to improve the quality of the student’s tactical decision-making abilities by reinforcing mental models and lessons learned based on studies of previous scenarios.

The following blocks of training are utilized to achieve the course goal:
1. Tactical Leadership within a critical incident
2. Risk Assessments
3. Lessons Learned derived from case studies involving recent events

The course objectives are achieved through lecture, case studies, and having students discuss the principles outlined in the course as they apply to various incident scenarios. A breakdown outlining the focus of each block is:

Tactical Leadership (goal is to improve and/or build upon the student’s leadership style)
-Fundamentals of the crisis cycle and the human body’s response to the stress of critical incidents.
-The importance of having high Emotional Intelligence (E.Q.) and how to improve it.
- How understanding the crisis cycle and improving your own E.Q. can make the officer a stronger leader before, during and after the experience of a critical incident.

Risk Assessment (goal is to have the students improve upon planning for critical incidents and practicing the way they will respond)
- The importance of tactical planning with foreknowledge of human and team dynamics.
- Knowing what resources you have available and how to prioritize your available assets.

Lessons Learned (goal is to reinforce the course’s primary principles through case studies)
- Incidents that contain valuable insights into the initial decision making cycle of critical incidents will be dissected to better understand how events unfolded.
-The class will discuss lessons learned from previous critical events along with how we can improve through planning and leadership if presented
with an incident of similar dynamics.
- Students will choose an example of a critical incident to present to the class and discuss the lessons learned from it.

This course employs classroom lecture, case studies, and open class discussion.  Emphasis is placed on the experiential knowledge of students who have gone through the crisis cycle and critical incident events thereby reinforcing the emotional expectations for other officers in similar situations.
10/14/2024 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 10/14/2024 - 10/18/2024
1/27/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 01/27/2025 - 01/31/2025
4/28/2025 MTCC- Marion McDowell Technical Community College 04/28/2025 - 05/02/2025
2/10/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 02/10/2025 - 02/14/2025
12/8/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 12/08/2025 - 12/12/2025
Telecommunicator Certification Course Prerequisites:
All students registering for this course are required to provide the following: a completed Medical History Statement (F-1), Medical Examination Report (F-2) and a TB skin test. These documents must be dated within 12 months of the course state date. These forms may be accessed at:

Completed forms may be sent to the Administrative Specialist, Barbara Boone at If you have any question's or concern's regarding enrollment, please call (910) 926-6007.

The Medical History Statement (F-1) , Medical Examination Report (F-2) and a TB skin test must be dated within 12 months of the course start date.

Who Should Attend:
All telecommunicators employed or sponsored by an emergency service center (Sheriff, Police, Emergency Service Center, Highway Patrol, etc.).  
All persons employed as telecommunicators under the direct supervision of a Sheriff or Police Chief are required by the North Carolina Sheriffs’ Education and Training Standards Commission to enroll and successfully complete this course.

Course Goal:
To present the basic standard operating procedures for telecommunicators and to develop the role and responsibilities of the emergency service telecommunicator.

Course Objectives:
The student will be able to:
- Define the role and explain the characteristics of the professional telecommunicator, stress, and the telecommunicator’s code of ethics.
- Identify and demonstrate the general operation of the major equipment components of a modern telecommunications service center.
- List and identify the major information resources available to assist in the practice of telecommunications.
- Differentiate between the organization, general operational practices, terminology, common service requests associated with law enforcement, fire and emergency medical services, and the North Carolina Division of Emergency Management.
- Identify, explain, and demonstrate common call reception, prioritization, and resource allocation practices associated with everyday telecommunications.
- Identify and explain the aspects of civil liability for the professional telecommunicator.
- Identify, explain, and demonstrate basic radio broadcast techniques associated with emergency telecommunications.
- Demonstrate basic telecommunications training skills in a structured telecommunications training practicum.

The course employs lecture, discussion, demonstration and practical exercises.

Medical History Statement (F1), Medical Examination Report (F2), and TB skin test must be completed and dated within 12 months of the course start date.
08/31/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 08/31/2025 - 09/05/2025
5/18/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 05/18/2025 - 05/23/2025
02/02/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 02/02/2025 - 02/07/2025
1/12/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 01/12/2025 - 01/17/2025
4/27/2025 Samarcand Samarcand Training Academy 04/27/2025 - 05/02/2025
10/12/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 10/12/2025 - 10/17/2025
Threat Assessment and Workplace Violence Who should attend:
Law enforcement officers, workplace and corporate security personnel, prosecutors, managers and supervisors who would be called upon to assess, Investigate and manage threats against Individuals and/or the workplace.

Course goals:
This course examines those individuals who communicate threats or other unusual communications to others as well as emphasis in Identifying the difference between those who make a threat and those who pose a threat. In addition, this course examines the various theories of the cause of workplace shooters, warning signs, assessment and Interventions.

Course objectives:
1. Identify types of communicated threats (implied, direct and conditional).
2. Distinguish the difference between those who make a threat and those who pose a threat.
3. Identify types of threat communicators and level of concern or danger.
4. Correctly identify how to manage and reduce the danger level.
5. Describe and apply the methodology to recognize and encourage “leakage” in workplaces to prevent violence.

This course will employ lecture, discussion and conference methods.

Requirements: Attendance is required at all class sessions.

No Classes Available
Time-Distance Instructor Recertification Who Should Attend:
Instructors seeking recertification under NCAC 9B.0219. Individuals must have successfully completed the RADAR Instructor Recertification course prior to entering Time-Distance Instructor Recertification.

Course Goal:
To maintain and enhance the skills necessary to instruct the time-distance speed measurement instrument programs.

Course Objectives:
The student will be able to:
- Demonstrate basic skills in calibrating and operating specific time-distance instruments.
- Identify specific time-distance instruments and techniques used by the trainee's agency and describe their major components, features, and functions.
- Identify laws, court rulings, regulations, policies, and procedures affecting time-distance speed measurement and speed enforcement.
- Demonstrate the ability to estimate vehicular speed in accordance with criteria specified on a standardized performance evaluation form.
- Demonstrate 100% competence on 25 basic configuration clocks in accordance with criteria specified on a standardized performance evaluation form.
- Teach students in the performance of the objectives listed above.
No Classes Available
Time-Distance Instructor Training Who Should Attend:
Officers designated to become time-distance instructors for their departments. Individuals must possess criminal justice instructor certification, receive a recommendation from a certified school director or agency head, possess a current and valid time-distance operator certification, and document successful completion of RADAR Instructor Training.

Course Objectives:
The student will be able to:
-  Describe the association between excessive speed and accident, deaths, and injuries, and describe the safety benefits of effective speed regulation.
-  Describe the basic principles of time-distance speed measurements.
-  Acquire and demonstrate basic skills in calibrating and operating specific time-distance instruments.
-  Identify specific time-distance instruments and techniques used by the trainee’s agency and describe their major components, features, and functions.
-  Identify laws, court rulings, regulations, policies, and procedures affecting time-distance speed measurement and speed enforcement.
- Acquire and demonstrate basic skills in preparing and presenting records and testimony relating to time-distance speed measurement and speed enforcement.
- Demonstrate the ability to estimate vehicular speed in accordance with criteria specified on a standardized performance evaluation form.
-  Demonstrate 100% competence on 25 basic configuration clocks in accordance with criteria specified on a standardized performance evaluation form.
-  Teach students in the performance of the objectives listed above.

No Classes Available
Traffic Crash Reconstruction 2.0 Who Should Attend:
Those law enforcement officers who have successfully completed an Advanced Traffic Crash Investigation Course

Course Description:
To enable participants to reconstruct traffic crashes using previously gained knowledge in combination with materials learned in this course.

Course Objectives:
The student will be able to:
-Perform advanced mathematical calculations.
-Demonstrate a working knowledge of Plane Geometry.
-Graph Vector Sum Analysis.
-Interpret Vehicle behaviors during and after a crash.
-Determine Principal Direction of Force and explain its effect on Occupant Kinematics.
-Understand and take advantage of the growing use of Crash Data Recorders.
-Investigate Commercial Vehicle Crashes.
-Assess vehicle damage.

This course employs demonstration, lecture, practical exercise and self-directed study.

Course Requirements:
Attendance is required at all class sessions. Satisfactory completion of practical exercises conducted throughout the course must be accomplished. The final exam will consist of two written exams, 70% of final grade, and completion of a comprehensive traffic crash reconstruction worth 30% of final grade. A minimum score of 75% must be attained for a combined total.
10/07/2024 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 10/07/2024 - 10/18/2024
11/3/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 11/03/2025 - 11/14/2025
4/21/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 04/21/2025 - 05/02/2025
10/28/2024 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 10/28/2024 - 11/08/2024
3/31/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 03/31/2025 - 04/11/2025
10/6/2025 Ednevyille NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 10/06/2025 - 10/17/2025
Traffic Law Refresher (Web-Based) Who Should Register
Traffic enforcement officers who have not had traffic law update training within the past 24 months.

Course Goal
To teach the officers the new statutes enacted since the 2013 legislative session and review seldomly used statutes.

Course Objectives
The course will include instruction covering the following areas:
> N.C.G.S. Chapter 20.
> Ignition interlock devices.
> DWI checkpoint enforcement.

Students will be assigned weekly reading assignments and will complete online quizzes.
No Classes Available
Use of Force Decision Making Who Should Attend:

Sworn Law Enforcement Officers

Course Goal:
This course is designed to aid officers in force related decisions and build techniques
that can be used to limit the amount of force needed to control situations.
Officers will examine every aspect of a police-citizen encounter beginning with their
arrival, proper use of distance and cover to create reactionary time, de-escalation
techniques, and force options available. Officer will also examine legal issues with the
use of force and techniques to thoroughly document the incident.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will receive two certificates,
Integrating Communication, Assessment, and Tactics (ICAT) and Use of Force
Decision Making.

Testing & Assignments Information:
Pre/Post Test and successful completion of all practical exercises.
Successful completion of the course will result in two certificates from NCJA.
Integrating Communications, Assessment, and Tactics (ICAT)
Use of Force Decision Making
7/7/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 07/07/2025 - 07/11/2025
11/3/2025 Edneyville 11/03/2025 - 11/07/2025
1/27/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 01/27/2025 - 01/31/2025
5/5/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 05/05/2025 - 05/09/2025
Verbal Judo: Tactical Communication for the Criminal Justice Professional Who Should Attend:
This course is designed for public safety professionals seeking to expand on their tactical communication skills to further preserve law and order while maintaining their own and the public's safety.

Course Goal
To provide the student with the technical and practical skills needed to use "Presence of Words" to calm difficult people who may be under severe emotional or other influences, redirect the behavior of hostile people, defuse potentially dangerous situations, perform professionally under all conditions and achieve the desired outcome in an encounter.

Course Objectives
The student will be able to achieve the following objectives in accordance with the information received during this course of instruction:

The Profession
- Goals of the Course/Traits of a Professional
- Goal of Law Enforcement /Intervention/Force Options
- Mushin/Three kinds of People
- Contact Professional/Know your Weaknesses
- The Art of Representation

Tactical Theory
- Active Listening/First & Second Street Truths
- Third Street Truth
- Pace, Pitch and Modulation
- Voice and Other Non-verbals Must Harmonize
- The Body Can't Lie, but 90-90% Can
- R.A.M./R.A.P./R.A.T./R.A.C.

Tactical Application
- Verbal Karate vs. Verbal Judo
- Five-Step Pattern Diagram
- Five-Step "Hard Style"
- Tactical 8-Step pattern
- Arts of Translation & Meditation
- L.E.A.P.S. Concept
- Five Types of Questions
- Paraphrasing
- The Four Appeals
- Domestic Kata
- S.A.F.E.R. Concept

3/17/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 03/17/2025 - 03/18/2025
6/2/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 06/02/2025 - 06/03/2025
9/9/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 09/09/2025 - 09/10/2025
Warrantless Searches Who Should Attend:
Sworn law enforcement officers.

Course Goal
Law enforcement officers must be knowledgeable in the laws pertaining to warrantless searches in order to lawfully apprehend criminal offenders and obtain evidence for use in prosecution. This course will review basic laws of warrantless searches in order to enable officers to lawfully and effectively perform their duties.

Course Objectives:
The student will be able to:
- Review 4th Amendment requirements governing searches.
- Recognize when a “search” has occurred and identify the correct constitutional standard for conducting “searches.”
- Discuss the types of warrantless searches that may be conducted without any suspicion of wrongful conduct.
- Define “reasonable suspicion” and discuss factors courts will consider in determining the existence of reasonable suspicion.
- Discuss the types of warrantless searches that must be supported by reasonable suspicion.
- Define “probable cause” and discuss factors courts will consider in determining the existence of probable cause.
- Discuss the types of warrantless searches that must be supported by probable cause.
- Discuss types of warrantless searches that may be conducted in response to a public emergency.

This course employs lecture, class discussion, videos and an intensive review of judicial decisions (appellate court cases) illustrating the points made throughout the course.
11/12/2024 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 11/12/2024 - 11/13/2024
5/6/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 05/06/2025 - 05/07/2025
2/3/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 02/03/2025 - 02/04/2025
12/9/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 12/09/2025 - 12/10/2025
11/24/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 11/24/2025 - 11/25/2025
12/15/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 12/15/2025 - 12/16/2025
6/23/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 06/23/2025 - 06/24/2025
3/31/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 03/31/2025 - 04/01/2025
9/8/2025 Edneyville NC Justice Academy - Edneyville 09/08/2025 - 09/09/2025
2/25/2025 Salemburg NC Justice Academy - Salemburg 02/25/2025 - 02/26/2025

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